Recurring Document Entry (APE130)

Entering header information  Entering line items  How To  

Use this program to enter and maintain documents (invoices) that need post to the Open Documents file on a periodic basis (monthly, quarterly, yearly, etc.). This system helps cut down the amount of document entry required each month.

You can set up standard monthly bills, such as utilities and rent, or periodic entries, such as lease and note payments. You can also use the program to change header or line-item information in existing documents.

The Recurring Payables entry screen consists of two sections. The upper portion of the screen is called the header portion where the vendor number, document amount, etc. are entered. The lower portion is called line-item portion where each general ledger expense account number is entered.

After documents are entered, the amount may be changed for the current month without affecting the standard amount through the Recurring Document Review program.

A list may be printed at any time through the Recurring Document Listing.

The document posts to the Document Entry & Adjustments file when you run the Post Recurring Documents program. The system then treats the document like standard AP document.

When you update the Document Entry & Adjustments Register, FACTS updates the vendor’s balance and the open documents file along with the General Ledger.

Access this program by choosing Accounts Payable-->Recurring Document-->Recurring Document Entry.

Use the following fields to enter recurring document header information:

1. Vendor

Enter the vendor number for this document. Entry of a valid vendor number displays the name, address, general ledger posting table, document group and terms code for this vendor. Press F3  to search for recurring documents already on file.

2. Seq # (sequence number)

Enter the sequence number (01-99). The sequence number allows you to enter up to 99 different recurring documents per vendor. For example, if there are two loans to be paid to the same bank, sequence numbers 01 and 02 are used. Each time you refer to this document, you must use the sequence number. The system will default to the sequence number 01. Entry of an already existing sequence number for this vendor displays all the information about this recurring document and proceeds to the PO # field.

3. PO number (purchase order number)

Enter the purchase order number (up to 12 characters). Press Enter (CR) to default to 000000 as the PO number.

4. GL Tbl (general ledger table)

Enter the general ledger posting table. The entry must be a valid AP general ledger posting table. Press Enter (CR) to default to the value already displayed; initially the GL posting table assigned to the vendor in the vendor file. Press F2 or image\find_shg.gif to search.

5. Doc Grp (document group)

Enter the document group (up to 2 characters). Press Enter (CR) to default to the value already displayed, initially the document group assigned to the vendor in the vendor file.

6. Branch

Enter the branch number. The entry must be a valid branch. Press Enter (CR) to default to the branch assigned to the terminal entering the document. Press F2 or image\find_shg.gif to search.

7Terms (code)

Enter the payment terms code. The entry must be a valid terms code. Press Enter (CR) to default to the value already displayed, initially the terms code assigned to the vendor in the vendor file.  

8. Months

Enter a string of numbers designating the periods of the calendar year to post this document to. For example, if it is a yearly document and only posts in December, and December is the company’s 12th period, enter 12. If this document is to post quarterly, enter 03060912. Press Enter (CR) to default to ALL.

9. Doc Amt (document amount)

Enter the document amount to update the open documents file each time the document is posted (+/-9999999.99). You cannot a zero amount for the document amount.

10. Post day

Enter the day the document should post to in the document entry & adjustments file (01-31). This will be used to determine when to post this document and also to determine which day of the month to use for the document date. For example, if this were set to 15 and it was being posted for February, the document date would be posted as February 15. The terms code automatically determines the due date, discount amount and discount due date based on the post day (document date).

11. Cutoff type

Enter whether to base the cutoff (time when a document stops being a recurring payable) on a Date, Number of postings, or Amount. Press Enter (CR) to D.

12. Cutoff

This depends on the cutoff type specified. Enter one of the following:

D - Date. Enter the cutoff period (PPYY), i.e., the last period documents are to post.

N - Number of postings. Enter the cutoff number of postings (2-99).

A  - Amount. Enter the cutoff total amount (+/-9999999.99). If the next posting of the document exceeds this amount, the document will not post.

13. Memo

Enter the memo (up to 25 characters). This memo prints on the check stub in the comments column.

image\pinpurpl.gif This concludes the header portion of the Recurring Document Entry program. After you create this header record, you can change all previous fields except the vendor number and the sequence number. The only way you can change the vendor number and the sequence number by deleting and re-entering the document. To enter line items in recurring documents, complete steps 14-16.

Use the following fields to enter line items in recurring documents:

Line numbers are assigned automatically beginning with 001 and incrementing by one for each additional line-item up to 999. When you enter a new document or edit an existing one the system places you in add mode so you can enter recurring document lines. Press Stop to stop line item addition.

14. General Ledger number

Enter the number of the general ledger expense account to which the payment will be distributed. The number entered must be a valid GL number in the general ledger account file. If the general ledger posting table for this vendor has preset expense accounts, press Enter (CR) to default to the first GL account number in the GL posting table. Press F2 to display all G/L numbers listed for the GL posting table assigned to this document along with the G/L number’s description. Select the line number to expense to. You can enter any account number in place of the standard numbers from the general ledger group. If the entire amount of the document is not distributed to this account, enter the next account number on line 002. This process continues until the document amount is distributed.

15. Amount

Enter the amount to be distributed to this general ledger account (+/- 9999999.99). You cannot enter zero for this amount. Press Enter (CR) to default to the document amount not yet distributed. The ending routine may not be accessed until the entire document amount has been distributed.

16This concludes the line-item portion of the Recurring Document Entry program. Press F4 or the Change the highlighted line-item 

Add a line-item

Delete the document

Insert a line item above the highlighted line in the browser. 



After you complete line item entry processing select the Stop icon.

Press the Done button to complete the document entry.


See Also

How to enter recurring AP documents