Use this program to change the amounts to post for specific recurring documents. This change will be reflected in the posting for the current period. However, the document amount will return to its original value after the posting.
Each document in the recurring entry file has a standard amount and a current period amount. The current period amount is initially set to the standard amount. The standard is changed in the Recurring Document Entry program.
The Recurring Document Review program changes the current amount (the amount to post in the current period) and enables you to change the total document amount and the distributed amounts to each General Ledger account. New GL expense accounts may not be added; only the original expense account amounts are changed.
Recurring documents are initially entered in the Recurring Document Entry program.
Recurring documents can be listed using in the Recurring Document Listing program, and they are posted to the document entry & adjustments file by the Post Recurring Documents program.
Access this program by choosing Accounts Payable-->Recurring Document-->Recurring Document Review.
1. Vendor
Enter the vendor number for this document. Entry of a valid vendor number displays the name, address, general ledger posting table, document group, terms code and branch for this vendor. Press F3 to search for recurring documents already on file.
2. Sequence number
Enter the sequence number of the document (01-99). The sequence number must be on file for this vendor in the Recurring Payables file. Field of a valid sequence number for this vendor will display all screen information about this document. Press Enter (CR) to default to 01.
The system displays the header information for the document. You can modify t e following:
3. Doc Amt (document amount)
The document amount to update the open documents file each time the document is posted (+/-9999999.99). You cannot enter a zero amount for the document amount.
4. Memo
The document memo (up to 25 characters). This memo prints on the check stub in the comments column.
5. You can select:
Change the highlighted line-item
Add a line-item
Delete the document
Insert a line item above the highlighted line in the browser.
To add, insert or edit document line items, enter or modify the following:
TIP: To change the amount for this period, change the document amount in the header, enter a memo (if needed), and expense the same amount to the appropriate general ledger number(s).
6. General Ledger number
Enter the number of the general ledger expense account to which the payment will be distributed. The number entered must be a valid GL number in the general ledger account file. If the general ledger posting table for this vendor has preset expense accounts, press Enter (CR) to default to the first GL account number in the GL posting table. Press F2 to display all G/L numbers listed for the GL posting table assigned to this document along with the G/L number’s description. Select the line number to expense to. You can enter any account number in place of the standard numbers from the general ledger group. If the entire amount of the document is not distributed to this account, enter the next account number on line 002. This process continues until the document amount is distributed.
7. Amount
Enter the amount to be distributed to this general ledger account (+/- 99999999.99). You cannot enter zero for this amount. Press Enter (CR) to default to the document amount not yet distributed. The ending routine may not be accessed until the entire document amount has been distributed.
After you complete line item entry processing select the Stop icon.
How to change posting amounts for recurring documents for the current period