Payment Selection by Date (APU210)

How to

Use this program to select AP documents for payment. The system selects open invoices based on the parameters you set in this program.

You have the option to select:

This program only determines which documents will be paid the next time checks are printed. No documents are updated until you print checks and print and update the check register. The payment type will be based on the vendor’s default payment type, but if the default type is ACH and no pre-notification is approved, the payment type will be set to paper check.

This program cannot select documents that have been placed on hold.

The Payment Selection List program prints a report of all documents chosen for payment. You can use the Unselect Payments program to unselect any documents chosen by the Payment Selection programs for payment. You can change or select individual payments through the Individual Payment Selection program.

Access this program by choosing Accounts Payable-->Payment & Hold Selection-->Payment Selection by Date.

Use the following fields to select invoices or groups of invoices for payment:

1. Order

Select the order in which payment selection is to be made. Payment selection can be done in vendor, alpha or vendor class order.

2. Beginning order choice

Select the beginning order choice to pay. For instance, if you choose to select payments according to vendor class, enter the vendor class that you want the system to start with. Press F2 to perform a search. Select F1 to start with the first code on file for the last order choice for payment

3. Ending order choice

Select the ending order choice to pay. For instance, if you choose to select payments according to vendor class, enter the vendor class that you want the system to end with. Press F2 to perform a search. Select F1 to end with the last order choice for payment.

4. Document group

Enter up to ten 2-character document groups side by side. Press Enter, F1  to process all document groups.

5. Due/Discount

Enter whether selection should be based on DU-due date or DI-discount date. Press Enter (CR) to default to DUE DATE.

6. Check date

Enter the date on which checks will print. Press Enter (CR), F1 to default to the system date. The program compares this date to the due/discount date so it can prioritize invoice selection. This date does not determine the actual date that will appear on checks.

7. Lead time

Enter the number of days lead time (0-99). This may be the number of days until the next check print. The program adds the lead-time value to the check date to prioritize invoice selection. Press Enter (CR) to default to the Automatic Increment setting in the AP Static Control F/M. For example, if checks will not be printed again for seven days, all documents due within the next seven days will be selected for payment. The Auto Increment setting defaults to 7.

8. Minimum

Enter the minimum invoice balance to be selected (+/- 9999999.99). For instance, you may not want to pay an invoice for $.02, so you might enter a minimum balance of $10. Press Enter (CR)  to default to no minimum.

9. Branch

Enter the branch to select payments for. The entry must be a valid branch. Only documents assigned to the branch entered will be selected for payment. Press Enter (CR), F1 to default to ALL.

10. Payment Type

Enter the payment type. You can select from Paper Checks, ACH, Wire Transfer, or All 

See Also

How to select AP documents for payment