How to print checks

1. Access this program by choosing Account Payable-->Checks-->Check Print.

2. In the Bank field, enter a bank code for this check run. The entry must be a valid bank code. The bank code will display the bank name and the last check number printed. Press Enter (CR) to default to the first bank on file.

3. In the Branch field, enter the branch to use for the Document Entry & Adjustment Register. Press Enter (CR) to default to ALL.  

4. In the Check date field, enter the date to print on the check. The date must be within the current or next general ledger period and not before the current AP period. Press Enter (CR) to default to the system date.

5. In the Beginning check number field, enter the beginning check number to print. This must be determined by looking at the check forms in the printer. The first check is always skipped (unless you attach a forms leader to the top check).

6. Select the Void checks checkbox to indicate whether to void the checks displayed. This field is skipped if the first check to print is the next number after the last check printed. If the first check to print is not the next number after the last check printed, the system asks if you want to void the checks in between. If you select this option, the system records all the checks as void. If you do not select, the system will not void any unused checks. Press Enter (CR) to default to selected.

  image\pinpurpl.gifFACTS does not allow you to void a check that’s in the Manual/Void Check File, the Check Reconciliation File, or the Non-Invoice Check File.

7. If you are reprinting checks, select Reprint Checks checkbox to reprint check. Then in the From field, enter the first check to reprint. You should read the check number from the previously printed check and field that number. This will be the first check to reprint. Press Enter (CR) to default to the FIRST check previously printed. In the To field, enter the last check to reprint. Press Enter (CR) to default to the LAST check previously printed.

8. If you are printing a batch of checks for the first time, select the Vendor Alpha Order checkbox to print the checks by vendor. Otherwise, this program automatically prints checks in check number order.

9. Select the OK to start the check run or the Cancel button to stop this process.

See Also
Using Reports

Using print options

Using report templates

Viewing reports on screen (using the viewer)

Using reports and prints as audit trails

Register procedures AP Document Entry & Adjustment Register