1099 Print (APP730)

Using Reports

Use the 1099 Print program to print non-employee compensation statements (1099 Forms).

You have the option to:

Print information includes the following: company name, address and federal ID number, vendor name, address, and 1099 balance. The amount comes from the purchase history in the vendor file and the field used is 1099 balance.

The forms used are the standard 1099 forms distributed by the IRS.

To print an alignment, select Print Options-->Print Alignment from the menu bar.

Unform Archiving

The 1099 Print (APP730) can archive information to Unform. The system separates 1099sin the print stream as separate documents per vendor. Note that the reporting year is not maintained anywhere in FACTS, so if the Unform Archive module is in use, the program prompts the you for the year, and send the year to UnForm. The year must be the current or previous calendar year.

When archiving to UnForm: the system prints "***UnForm 1099 Print Data***" at column 80 on the same line, after the FACTS company Name, "Vendor={vendor number}" prints at column 80, after the first address line and "Year={reporting year}" prints at column 80, after the second address line, as well as Sequencing sub-ids

Access this program by choosing Accounts Payable-->Reports & Prints-->1099 Print.

Use the following fields to print IRS 1099 forms:

1. Order

Enter the order option to use for the print. You can select from V-Vendor Order, A-Alpha Order, or C-Vendor Class Order.  

2. Beginning

Enter the beginning range value for the order option you selected. Press Enter (CR) to default to FIRST. 

2. Ending

Enter the ending range value for the order option you selected. Press Enter (CR) to default to LAST.  

3. Document group

If you entered document groups in the Miscellaneous tab of the Vendor F/M program, enter up to 10 two-character document groups side by side to print. 

4. Federal ID

Enter contractor’s Federal Tax ID number (up to 10 characters).

5. Print When Less Than $600

Indicate whether to print 1099’s for vendors with a 1099 balance of less than $600.00.

6. Use Laser Form

Indicate whether to use laser form will be used for printing 1099 Forms.

7. Reporting Year

Enter the reporting year for the 1099 print.

See Also

Using print options

Using report templates

Viewing reports on screen (using the viewer)

Using reports and prints as audit trails

Register procedures

Using Reports