Open Payables Report (APR720)

Using Reports

Use the Open Payables Report program to:

You have the option to:

You can print this report in the following formats:

Totals are included for each vendor. Report totals include the total of all vendors. The total number of vendors listed is also included.

Access this program by choosing Accounts Payable-->Reports & Prints-->Open Payables Report..

Use the following fields to print the Open Payables Report:

1. Order

Select the order in which the report should print. Options are vendor, alpha or vendor class.

2. Beginning order choice

Select the beginning order choice to print. 

3. Ending order choice

Select the ending order choice to print.  

4. Branch

Enter the branch to print. The entry must be a valid branch. The program defaults to the branch assigned to the terminal.  

5. Document groups

Enter up to 10 two-character document groups side by side to print. Note that you may also select "Documents that have no document group" for this option. Document groups are established in Vendor F/M on the Miscellaneous tab.

6. Balance

Enter whether the report should include All documents, Open documents, or Zero balance documents. The program defaults to ALL.

7. Next period

Indicate whether documents and transactions posted to the next AP period should be included. The program defaults to selected.

8. Status

Enter whether to print Active, Inactive, or press Enter (CR) for all vendors. The program defaults to ALL.

9. Scope

Enter whether the report is to print Summary, Detail, or detail with Transactions information. The program defaults to S.

See Also

Using Reports

Using print options

Using report templates

Viewing reports on screen (using the viewer)

Using reports and prints as audit trails