Use the 1099 Audit Report to review the vendors for whom you printed 1099s and to provide an audit trail as needed.
You have the option to:
Print information includes the following: vendor code, name and tax ID, vendor 1099 balance, check 1099 amount, the total check amount for the vendor and the print date, time and printed 1099 amount.
The forms used are the standard 1099 forms distributed by the IRS.
Access this program by choosing Accounts Payable-->End of Period-->1099 Audit Report.
1. Order
Enter the order option to use for the print. You can select from V-Vendor Order, A-Alpha Order, or C-Vendor Class Order.
2. Beginning
Enter the beginning range value for the order option you selected. Press Enter (CR) to default to FIRST.
2. Ending
Enter the ending range value for the order option you selected. Press Enter (CR) to default to LAST.
3. Reporting Year
Enter the reporting year for the 1099 audit report.
4. Printed 1099s Only
Indicate whether to include only those vendors for whom you have printed 1099s.
5. Exceptions Only
Indicate whether to include those vendors whom you have not printed 1099s.
6. Include Check History
Indicate whether include the check history details (the 1099 amount, check amount and memo) for the vendors with 1099s.
Viewing reports on screen (using the viewer)
Using reports and prints as audit trails