Tax Reporting F/M (ARF945)

Use this program to maintain sales tax reporting information in the sales tax file.

This file is used to print the Sales Tax Register. Records are updated to this file during the Daily Sales Register update and are removed during the update portion of the Sales Tax Register.

Information is provided automatically from the Daily Sales Register. This program should only be used to correct the merchandise amount, taxable amount, entry date and total tax if there is a discrepancy.

For more information how to use maintenances, refer to the following topics:

How to use file maintenance programs


Access this program by choosing Accounts Receivable-->File Maintenances-->Tax Reporting F/M.

Use the following fields to set up sales tax summary information:

1.* Country

Enter the country code to use when setting up the tax code.

2.* Tax Code

Enter the tax code. The code entered must be a valid tax code (up to 8 characters).

3.* Tax Rate

Enter whether the tax rate is H-high, L-low or X-exempt. If the tax code does not use low tax rates, L is not an option. Press Enter (CR) to default to H. Press F3 to display the first tax code record on file for the tax code entered.

4.* Customer Number

Enter the customer number. Press F3 to display the first tax code record on file for tax code and rate entered in fields #2 and 3.

5.* Document #

Enter the document number. Press F3 to display the first tax code record on file for tax code, rate and customer entered in fields #2, #3 and #4.

6.* Continuation Number

Enter the document continuation number (1 digit). Press F3 to display the first tax code record on file for tax code, rate, customer and document number entered in fields #1-4.

7. Entry Date

Enter the entry date. Press Enter (CR) to default to the system date.

8. Merchandise Amount

Enter the merchandise amount of the document (+/- 9999999.99). Press Enter (CR) to default to 0.

9. Taxable Amount

Enter the taxable amount of the document (+/-9999999.99). Press Enter (CR) to default to 0.

10. Total Tax

Enter the total tax of the document (+/-99999.99). Press Enter (CR) to default to 0.

11. Branch

Enter the branch number. The entry must be a valid branch. Press Enter (CR) to default to the branch assigned to the terminal.