How to enter and apply Miscellaneous Cash

Program Information

1. FACTS displays the program immediately after you add or edit a miscellaneous cash entry on the Cash Receipts and Adjustments Entry line entry, or you can access this program by selecting the Apply option on the Cash Receipts and Adjustments Entry screen with a miscellaneous cash transaction highlighted.

3. The system displays the customer number and name from the check information from the Cash Receipts and Adjustments Entry program. The system displays the check date from the Cash Receipts and Adjustments Entry program. You can modify this information.

4. The system displays the miscellaneous cash amount from the Cash Receipts and Adjustments Entry program. The system displays the memo from the Cash Receipts and Adjustments Entry program. You can modify this information.

5. In the upper right corner of the screen, the system maintains and displays the remaining cash amount, the distributed amount, and the batch balance as payments are applied.

6. The line browser displays all GL accounts that the miscellaneous cash transaction is distributed to. For new miscellaneous cash transactions, select the Add icon to add new distribution information.

7. In the GL Account Number field, enter the GL number(s) to expense; you can press F2 to search. When a valid account has been entered, the system displays the GL account description.

8. In the Amount field, enter the amount to expense. The system displays the remaining undistributed balance as the default. (Zero and negative amounts are allowed.)

9. Save your distribution line information. You can continue to add more miscellaneous cash GL accounts numbers and distribution amounts or press Stop to complete the transaction.

10. You have the following options for lines in the browser:

Add a new GL account. Enter the GL account number. The entry must be a valid G/L #. Press F2 to search. A valid field displays the account description and moves to the amount field. Enter the amount to be distributed to this account number.

Delete – To delete a GL account distribution, highlight the line in the browser and press the Delete icon. To delete an entire miscellaneous cash transaction, all lines (GL numbers and amounts) must be deleted and the check distributed amount updated.

E-Edit-- To edit the GL account numbers and amounts of a miscellaneous cash transaction highlight the line in the browser and press the Edit icon.

11. When you have completed the miscellaneous cash distribution, press the Done button. The system returns you to the Cash Receipts & Adjustments Entry (ARE210) program where you can apply the distribution or enter more cash receipts and adjustments: