Miscellaneous Cash Entry (ARE212)

How To

Use Miscellaneous Cash Entryto distribute a miscellaneous cash transaction to the proper GL accounts. FACTS displays this program immediately after you add or edit a miscellaneous cash transaction on the Cash Receipts and Adjustments Entry line entry. You can also access Miscellaneous Cash Entryby selecting the "Apply" button on the Cash Receipts and Adjustments Entry screen with a miscellaneous cash transaction highlighted.

Miscellaneous cash is cash received not posting to any accounts receivable invoice. For example, a refund check from an insurance company

The header information displayed is from the miscellaneous cash transaction added on the Cash Receipts and Adjustments Entry screen. You can edit some of the miscellaneous cash transaction information from this program as well. However, no header transaction may be added or deleted. The system maintains the total "check" amount, amount distributed and balance as dollars are distributed to GL accounts. You can exit this entry program without the total "check" amount being distributed.

The system also displays this program when you press the "Misc Cash" button on the Apply Check Entry (ARE211) screen. The header information displayed is from the check that is being worked on at the time. All header information is display only. The system maintains the amount distributed and balance as dollars are distributed to GL accounts.

Use the following fields to enter and apply miscellaneous cash:

FACTS displays the Miscellaneous Cash transaction information entered in Cash Receipts & Adjustments Entry (ARE210), including the cash number from Cash Receipts Control F/M, the transaction date and cash amount.

1. Customer Number

The system displays thecustomer entered on the Cash Receipts and Adjustments Entry program.

Select the C icon to access Note Entry (SME710) for the customer specified in the program.

2. Check Number

The system displays the Miscellaneous Cash number (set up from Cash Receipts Control F/M) from the Cash Receipts and Adjustments Entry program.

3. Date

The system displays the date from the Cash Receipts and Adjustments Entry program. You can modify this field.

4. Check Amount

The system displays the cash amount from the Cash Receipts and Adjustments Entry program. You can modify this field.

5. Memo

The system displays the memo from the Cash Receipts and Adjustments Entry program. You can modify this field. The memo prints on the Cash Receipts & Adjustments Register.

In the upper right corner of the screen, the system maintains and displays the following:

6. Check Amount

The system maintains and displays remaining cash amount from the Cash Receipts and Adjustments Entry program or a new amount if modified on this screen.

7. Distributed Amount

The system maintains and displays the distributed amount as payments are applied.

8. Balance

The system maintains and displays the undistributed cash balance as payments are applied.


Line Level Prompts

The line browser displays all GL accounts that the miscellaneous cash transaction is distributed to. For new miscellaneous cash transaction select the Add icon to add new distribution information.

9. GL Account Number

Enter the GL number(s) to expense; you can press F2 to search.

10. Description

The system displays the GL account description.

11. Amount

Enter the amount to expense. The system displays the remaining undistributed balance as the default. (Zero and negative amounts are allowed.)

You have the following options for lines in the browser:

Add- to add a new GL account. Enter the GL account number. The entry must be a valid G/L #. Press F2 to search. A valid field displays the account description and moves to the amount field. Enter the amount to be distributed to this account number.

DeleteTo delete a GL account distribution, highlight the line in the browser and press the Delete icon. To delete an entire miscellaneous cash transaction, all lines (GL numbers and amounts) must be deleted and the check distributed amount updated.

Edit-- To edit the GL account numbers and amounts of a miscellaneous cash transaction highlight the line in the browser and press the Edit icon.

Save your distribution line information. You can continue to add more miscellaneous cash GL accounts numbers and distribution amounts or press Stop to complete the transaction.

When you have completed the miscellaneous cash distribution, press the Done button. The system returns you to the Cash Receipts & Adjustments Entry (ARE210) program where you can apply the distribution or enter more cash receipts and adjustments.

Menu Options



Exits the program


Add Line

Enables you to add the general ledger account(s) and amount for posting the miscellaneous cash transaction

Delete Line

Enables you to delete the general ledger account(s) and amount for posting the miscellaneous cash transaction.

Edit Line

Enables you to edit the general ledger account(s) and amount for posting the miscellaneous cash transaction.


See Also

How to enter and apply checks

How to enter and apply Miscellaneous Cash

How to create, delete, or modify debit memos (not tied to invoices)

How to enter new batches for cash receipts and adjustments

How to enter cash receipts and adjustments

How to add a line to a batch for cash receipts and adjustments

Entering a payment manually

Entering a payment automatically

Posting on-account payments

Entering debit memos

Applying credit memos or on-account documents to invoices

Payment Options