How to enter and apply payments

Program Information

1. FACTS displays the program immediately after you add or edit a payment on the Cash Receipts and Adjustments Entry line entry, or you can access this program by selecting the Apply option on the Cash Receipts and Adjustments Entry screen with a check transaction highlighted.

2. Use the Doc Type, Sort By, and Apply fields to select the open Accounts Receivable documents to display in the line item browser so you can distribute the check.

3. The system displays the customer number and name from the check information from the Cash Receipts and Adjustments Entry program. The system displays the date from the Cash Receipts and Adjustments Entry program. You can modify this information.

4. The system displays the amount from the Cash Receipts and Adjustments Entry program.

system displays the payment type from the Cash Receipts and Adjustments Entry program. You can modify this field. Select the payment type for the transaction. You can select from:
C-Cash, 1-Check, 2-Credit Card, 3-Debit Card, A-ACH If you leave the Check field blank, the options for the Type default to 2-Credit Card,3-Debit Card and A-ACH. Note: If credit card or debit card type is selected but a check number has been entered by the user, this will not be considered a true credit card payment. The program will not perform any credit card processing.

The system displays the
memo from the Cash Receipts and Adjustments Entry program. You can modify this information.

5. In the upper right corner of the screen, the system maintains and displays the following:

Check Amount--The remaining check amount as payments are applied.

Distributed Amount--The distributed amount as payments are applied.

Balance--The batch balance as payments are applied.

OA Total--The total amount of all on account transactions created on this check. If the distributed balance is less than the amount of the check you can select the Remainder on Account button, and FACTS creates an OA transaction for that amount. The system then prompts you for the branch to assign it to. If an OA has already been created, select the Remainder on Account button and the system updates it with this new amount. Select the Clear On Account Amount button to delete the OA that was previously created in the cash receipts file.

Miscellaneous Cash Total--The total amount of all miscellaneous cash transactions created on this check.

Debit Memo Total--The total amount of all debit memo transactions created on this check.

6. The line browser displays all open Accounts Receivable (AROPEN) documents for the customer and any payment, discount and adjustment information based on your selections for the Doc Type, Sort By, and Apply fields.

7. Highlight an open Accounts Receivable (AROPEN) document and you can select the following functions on the right side of the browser:

   Delete – allows you to delete or zero out the payment, discount and adjustment dollars that have been applied to the highlighted invoice. The system asks if you are sure you want to delete this payment line before continuing.

Edit – allows you to modify the line level prompts: Payment, Discount and Adjustment and Adjustment Code and apply monies from the check to the individual documents. You can press the up or down arrow and move through line edit for the documents in the browser.

8. The following buttons are available when you highlight an open Accounts Receivable (AROPEN) document in the browser:

 Select the Notes icon to access Note Entry (SME710) for the AR document highlighted in the line item browser.

Pay Allows you to highlight an invoice and pay the default amounts up to the remaining balance that is undistributed, even replacing an existing payment amount. It will then move to the next line in the browser. This is similar functionality to using the F2 pay button in the payment field when editing a line. The payment amount will increase the distributed amount for the check.

Pay/Edit Allows you to highlight an invoice and set the default amounts and allows you to modify the line level prompts: Payment, Discount and Adjustment and Adjustment Code. When you finish the line, the press Save. If you press the Down Arrow key after getting into line edit from the Pay/Edit button, the system accesses normal line edit and no further defaulting occurs. The payment amount will increase the distributed amount for the check.

Debit Memo Accesses Debit Memo Entry (ARE213) to allow you to create debits back to the customer’s account that are not related to any existing invoice. The total debit memo amount decreases the distributed amount for the check.

Auto Apply Auto apply acts against the documents currently loaded in the line browser. The system displays the Auto Apply window.

Field Prompts are:

1. Start At

Options are top, bottom and highlighted. Select at which point in the browser window to start the auto apply. The default will be top.

2. Order (or direction) –

Options are up and down. Select which direction the auto apply will go from the starting point.

3. You can select from the following buttons:

Cancel--to do nothing and return to the browser.

OK--After you enter the prompts and select OK, the window closes and the Auto Apply process starts. The system highlights the first line to be processed and applies a payment and discount using the same rules as in the current program. The system updates the line browser with the new payment information. Then, depending how you selected to run the Auto Apply, the next line to be processed is highlighted. If a document is in use when the auto apply is updating, the system allows you to select to retry the document, skip the document or cancel the remainder of the auto apply.

List Selected Displays the List Selected for Check screen containing the customer number and name along with a grid prompt to enter the desired document numbers. If a list was already selected during this session, those documents automatically fill the grid field.

You can select from:

Cancel to close the window and return with no changes.

OK to save the list of documents into memory file (close and reopen) and close the window. Once the list is complete and saved, the documents are displayed in the browser and can perform all normal processing against them.

Header Displays the Header Detail screen, which allows you to change the filter and order fields, date, amount and memo. Use this screen to change more than one of the filter fields to avoid the browser reloading with each change.

Done Completes the process. If the check is not fully distributed, the system displays a message and then allows you to exit the entry.

9. Press Done or F4 to complete entry of the check by updating the distributed amount of the batch, clearing the screen and returning to the Batch field. The system allows you to exit the batch entry without entering any checks or miscellaneous cash transactions. If the batch is not fully distributed, the user will receive a message but will be allowed to exit the entry. Your changes update the batch control record, batch amount distributed, and batch fully distributed system setting.