Debit Memo Entry (ARE213)

How To

Use Debit Memo Entry to create debits to the customer’s account. The debit or charge back is not tied to any of the customer’s other invoices. You can access this screen by selecting the Debit Memo option from on Cash Receipts & Adjustments Entry (ARE210), when you have an open Accounts Receivable document selected in the browser

The header information displayed is from the check that you are currently working on. The header information is display-only. The system maintains the total check amount, amount distributed and balance as transactions are added. The total debit memo amount decreases the distributed amount for the check.

Use the following fields to enter and Debit Memos:

FACTS displays the check transaction and invoice information from Apply Check Entry (ARE211).

1. Customer Number

The system displays the Customer number from the Apply Check Entry (ARE211) program.

Select the C icon to access Note Entry (SME710) for the customer specified in the program.

2. Check Number

The system displays the check number from the Apply Check Entry (ARE211) program.

3. Date

The system displays the date from the Cash Apply Check Entry (ARE211) program.

4. Memo

The system displays the memo from the Apply Check Entry (ARE211) program. The memo prints on the Cash Receipts & Adjustments Register.

In the upper right corner of the screen, the system maintains and displays the following:

5. Check Amount

The system maintains and displays remaining cash amount as payments are applied.

6. Distributed Amount

The system maintains and displays the distributed amount as payments are applied.

7. Balance

The system maintains and displays the undistributed check balance as payments are applied.

8. Debit Memo Total

The system displays the total amount of all debit memo transactions created on this check.

Line Level Prompts

The line browser displays any existing debit memos for the customer. When you enter a new debit memo line is entered, the program assigns it the next debit memo number from the AR Nonstatic Control record when you save the transaction.

9. Debit Memo Number

Debit memo numbers are assigned by the system when you create a new record. To modify an existing debit memo, highlight it in the line item browser and select Edit.

10. Amount

Enter the amount to expense. The system displays the remaining undistributed balance as the default. (Only positive amounts are allowed.)

11. Memo

The system displays the memo from the Cash Receipts and Adjustments Entry program. The system converts this memo into a document note when the AROPEN record is created from the Cash Receipts Register.

12. Branch

Enter the branch. Press F2 to search. The system displays the last branch entered from either debit memo entry or OA entry as the default. The system skips this field if your system is not set to use branches in the GL number and there is a branch record set up to default to. The system uses the branch entered here in the GL Distribution when setting the GL AR Account #

You have the following options for lines in the browser:

image\plus.gifadd a new debit memo. The system assigns a debit memo number when you create a new record. Then enter the amount, branch and memo.

image\Delete.gif Delete – To delete a debit memo, highlight the line in the browser and press the Delete icon.

image\edit_shg.gif E-Edit-- To edit debit memo information, highlight the line in the browser and press the Edit icon. You can the amount, branch and memo for the transaction.

Save your debit memo line information. You can continue to add more debit memos and distribution amounts or press Stop to complete the transaction.

You have the following options for the Debit Memo Entry:

Done --Ends debit memo entry and returns you to Cash Receipts & Adjustments Entry (ARE210) program. Press Done when you complete the distribution of the debit memo entry. When you exit this program, the total of the debit memos entered decrease the distributed amount of the check.

List Pmts --Accesses List Payments (ARE214), which lists all of the invoices, debit memos, miscellaneous cash and on-accounts made with the currently displayed check. Information listed includes invoice\, GL Number (for misc cash only), GL Description (for misc cash only) or Memo (for debit memos only), payment, discount, and adjustment amount.

Menu Options

The menu bar will contain the following options:



Exits the program



Add Line

Enables you to add a debit memo transaction to the posting payments, discounts and adjustments to customer accounts or posting miscellaneous cash to general ledger accounts.

Delete Line

Enables you to delete an entire debit memo transaction. All lines (Branch and amounts) are deleted and the check distributed amount updated.

Edit Line

Enables you to edit the branch and amounts of a debit memo transaction. The memo may also be changed.

See Also

How to enter and apply checks

How to enter and apply Miscellaneous Cash

How to create, delete, or modify debit memos (not tied to invoices)

How to enter new batches for cash receipts and adjustments

How to enter cash receipts and adjustments

How to add a line to a batch for cash receipts and adjustments

Entering a payment manually

Entering a payment automatically

Posting on-account payments

Entering debit memos

Applying credit memos or on-account documents to invoices

Payment Options