Use this program to print an Aged Trial Balance from the information stored in the Open Documents file.
Templates that store "current period" (or similar values like "system date") resolve to the "current period at the time the report is run" rather than what the "current period" was at the time the template was created. For example: If you save a template for the Aged Trial Balance and select "System Date" for the aging Date field, when that template is selected to run again (either manually or via Job Stream) the current date is determined using the FACTS system date when the listing is run not the date when the template was created.
Report information includes the following:
The report also includes the total number of customers listed, as well as the customer and report totals.
FACTS Report Formatter and Multiple Output Options
This report has access to the FACTS Report Formatter and Multiple Output option. The Multiple Outputoption allows you to print to more than one output for each instance of a report. For example, a report can print to Excel, the viewer, and to a printer all in one print run. To access the multiple output feature simply choose the Multiple option from the Print Options screen. The FACTS Report Formatter allows you to expand your reporting capabilities beyond defining a printer (in Printer F/M). To access the FACTS Report Formatter, select Custom Report Layout--> Customize Report from the menu bar.
Access this program by choosing Accounts Receivable-->Reports & Prints-->Aged Trial Balance.
1. Select the order in which to print the report. The options are Customer, Alpha, Salesperson/Territory and Customer Class (K).
2. Select the Over Credit Limit Only checkbox to run the report for customer that are over their credit limit only.
3. Select the beginning order choice to print. For instance, if you set the report to print in Customer order, select the first customer that should appear. Press F1 to default to FIRST.
4. Select the ending order choice to print. For instance, if you set the report to print in Customer order, select the last customer that should appear. Press F1 to default to LAST. Press F2 to search of customers, salespeople and classes.
5. Select which branches to include. The entry must be a valid in the system. The program defaults to the branch assigned to the terminal. Press F1 to default to ALL.
6. Enter the date upon which aging will be based. Press F1 to default to the system date.
7. Indicate whether or not to include Next Period documents and transactions. The program defaults to selected.
8. Indicate whether or not to include Delinquents Only on the report. The program defaults to unselected.
9. If you selected the Delinquents Only checkbox, enter the number of days a document must be past due in order for it to appear on this report (0-999). The program defaults to 10.
10. Indicate whether to include Credits on the report. The program defaults to selected.
11. Select the Disputed Only checkbox to run the report for disputed invoices only.
13. Indicate whether to check if the customer is over their credit limit by selecting the Credit Limit Check prompt, or leave unselected to skip the credit limit check.
14. Enter whether to include Contact information and/or Sales figures. The program defaults to NONE.
15. Select the document’s scope. Options are Summary, Detail or detail with Transaction information. Press Enter (CR) to default to S.
16. Select OK or press Enter (CR) to run the report.