Use this program to print a Customer Listing of general or sales information using the information stored in the customer file.
Report information includes the following:
FACTS Report Formatter and Multiple Output Options
This report has access to the FACTS Report Formatter and Multiple Output option. The Multiple Outputoption allows you to print to more than one output for each instance of a report. For example, a report can print to Excel, the viewer, and to a printer all in one print run. To access the multiple output feature simply choose the Multiple option from the Print Options screen. The FACTS Report Formatter allows you to expand your reporting capabilities beyond defining a printer (in Printer F/M). For Customer Listing,you can select Template-->Select from the menu bar to associate a system template with multiple outputs to Notepad® or your report Viewer. To access the FACTS Report Formatter, select Custom Report Layout--> Customize Report from the menu bar.
Access this program by choosing Accounts Receivable-->Reports & Prints-->Customer Listing.
1. Enter the order in which to print the report information. Options are Customer, Alpha, Salesperson/territory and Customer Class (K). The program defaults to C.
2. Select the beginning order choice to print. For instance, if you set the report to print in Alpha order, select the first alpha that should appear. Press F1 to default to FIRST.
3. Select the ending order choice to print. For instance, if you set the report to print in Alpha order, select the last alpha that should appear. Press F1 to default to LAST.
4. Enter the branch or branches that you want to include. The branch or branches you enter must be valid in the system. The program defaults to the branch assigned to the terminal. Press F1 to default to ALL.
5. Select a code to include (optional). The options are Terms code, taX code, GL posting table, Geography or Statement code. The program defaults to unselectedo code range and skips to the information field.
6. If you chose a code, select the beginning code to print. For instance, if you chose to print the geography code, select the first geographical code that should appear on the report. Press F1 to default to FIRST. If you selected no code in the previous prompt, this prompt becomes disabled.
7. If you chose a code, select the ending code to print. For example, if you chose to print the geography code, select the last geographical code that should appear. Press F1 to default to LAST. If you selected no code in the code field, this prompt becomes disabled.
8. Select which customer status to print: Active, Inactive or All. The program defaults to ALL.
9. Select which type of information to print on the report: General, Sales or Code information. The program defaults to G.
10. Enter whether to include Address, Phone, Contact, Notes, and/or Message information on the report. The program defaults to NONE.
11. If you selected to include notes, select the Urgent option to print only urgent notes for the specified customers.
12. In the Category field, enter the specific categories of notes to print.
Tip: If you choose only the Notes option from the Include prompt, only customers that have notes in the specified Category will print. If the Notes option and any other option (such as Contact) are chosen, all customers will print.
13. If you chose to print notes you can do by dates, enter the Beginning Date and Ending Date to print by.
14. Select OK or press Enter (CR) to run the report.