Customer Notes Print (ARR785)

Using Reports

Use this program to print the notes recorded for each customer. Customer notes are created and maintained through the Customer Inquiry program.

Report information includes

  • customer number

  • customer name

  • all notes entered in the system for the indicated customer

  • total number of customers listed on the report

The program also gives you the option of starting each customer on new page.

Access this program by choosing Accounts Receivable-->Reports & Prints-->Customer Notes Print.

To print Customer Notes:


1. Enter the order in which to print the report information. Options are Customer, Alpha, Salesperson/territory and Customer Class (K). The program defaults to C.

2. Select the beginning order choice to print. For instance, if you set the report to print in Customer order, select the first customer that should appear. Press F1 to default to FIRST.

3. Select the ending order choice to print. For instance, if you set the report to print in Customer order, select the last customer that should appear. Press F1 to default to LAST.

4. Enter the branch or branches that you want to include. The branch or branches you enter must be valid in the system. The program defaults to the branch assigned to the terminal. F3 defaults to ALL.

5. Indicate whether you want the program to start a new page for each customer listed. The program defaults to unselected.

6. Select OK or press Enter (CR) to run the report.

See Also

Using Reports

Using print options

Using report templates

Viewing reports on screen (using the viewer)

Using reports and prints as audit trails