Open Receivables Report (ARR710)

Using Reports

Use this program to print an Open Receivables Report from the information stored in the open documents file.

Report information includes the following:

Access this program by choosing Accounts Receivable-->Reports & Prints-->Open Receivables Report..

To print an Open Receivables Report:

1. Select the order in to print the report. The options are Customer, Alpha, Salesperson/Territory and Customer Class (K).

2. Select the beginning order choice to print. For instance, if you set the report to print in Customer order, select the first customer that should appear. Press F1 to default to FIRST..

3. Select the ending order choice to print. For instance, if you set the report to print in Customer order, select the last customer that should appear. Press F1 to default to LAST 

4. Select which branches to include. The entry must be a valid in the system. The program defaults to the branch assigned to the terminal. Press F1 to default to ALL.

5. Enter, side by side, the document types to include on the report. The options are OA-on account, IN-invoices, SC-service charges, CM-credit memos, and/or RC-returned check document types. Press F1 to default to ALL.

6. Enter whether to include All documents, Only open documents or Zero balance documents. The program defaults to ALL balances.

7. Include next period documents and transactions on the report by selecting the Next Period checkbox or omit them by not selecting Next Period. The program defaults to selected.

8. Indicate whether to check if the customer is over their credit limit by selecting the Credit Limit Check checkbox, or leave it unselected to skip the credit limit check.

9. Select the Disputed Only checkbox to run the report for disputed invoices only.

10.  Select the report’s scope. Enter Summary, Detail or detail with Transaction information. The program defaults to S.

11. Select OK or press Enter (CR) to run the report.

See Also

Using Reports

Using print options

Using report templates

Viewing reports on screen (using the viewer)

Using reports and prints as audit trails