Use this program to print customer statements.
You can print statements for any group of customers by using statement codes, which are assigned to each customer in the Customer F/M program. The Statement Print program requires field of statement codes to print. Only customers with the chosen statement codes will have a statement printed.
Although statements may be printed at any time, it is recommended that you print them at the end of each period as part of the end-of-period procedures.
The statement print control record determines if a preprinted form is used, if a tear-off return portion of the statement is used, if zero balance documents are included on the statement and the number of message lines printed per statement.
Statements include the following information |
If statements print with tear-off return portions, the return includes customer number, invoice numbers and amounts.
Each customer’s documents can be sorted and printed according to ship-to.
The statement recap includes the last statement printing, the total statements printed and the total dollar amount due in each aging category for the statements printed.
Templates that store "system date" resolve to the "current system date at the time the report is run" rather than what the "current system date" was at the time the template was created. For example: If you save a template for the Statement Print and select "Current Date" for the Statement Date field, when that template is selected to run again (either manually or via Job Stream) the statement date is determined using the current date in the Company Periods & Ending Dates F/M (GLF970) when the report is run not the current date when the template was created.
If you would like to print an alignment (test print), select Print Options-->Alignment from the menu bar.
Access this program by choosing Accounts Receivable-->End of Period-->Statement Print.
1. Select the order in which to print the statement. The options are Customer, Alpha, Salesperson/Territory and Customer Class (K).
2. Select the beginning order choice to print. For instance, if you set the report to print in Customer order, select the first customer that should appear. Press F1 to default to FIRST.
3. Select the ending order choice to print. For instance, if you set the report to print in Customer order, select the last customer that should appear. Press F1 to default to LAST. Press F2 or
to search of customers, salespeople and classes.
4. Select which branches to include. The entry must be a valid in the system. The program defaults to the branch assigned to the terminal.
5. Enter the statement date, which is used to determine document aging. Press F1 to default to the system date.
6. Enter the discount date, which is the cutoff date for early payment discounts. Invoices with discounts due before this date will not reflect the discount on the statement. Invoices whose discount is due after this date will reflect the discount in the amount due. Press F1 to default to the system date.
7. Enter up to 10 statement codes side by side. Press F1 to default to ALL. Statement codes can be assigned for each customer in Customer F/M.
8. Indicate the types of balances should appear on the report. Options are customers with a Positive balance, a Negative or zero balance or A-all, indicating the statement should include all customers regardless of balance. The program defaults to P.
9. Indicate whether or you want to include a statement recap. The program defaults to unselected--no statement recap.
10. Enter the minimum number of aging days for documents to print (i.e., days past invoice or due date - based on which is used). The program defaults to 0.
11. Indicate whether you want to sort and print each customer’s documents by ship-to address. The program defaults to unselected--not by ship-to address.
12. Select OK or press Enter (CR) to run the register.