Flagged Item Report (ICR830)

Using Reports

Use this program to obtain a report of all items flagged by the End-of-Period Update.

Usage, lead time, frozen controls and ignore low sales each print a new page on the report. Anything flagged indicates there has been a variance from normal processing.

The usage page(s) indicates if usage is unusual due to high sales (period usage is greater than the previous 5 periods usage), low sales (usage is less than 1/2 unit), or a stockout (over 13 days in period where item was out of stock).

The lead time page(s) indicates if lead time is abnormal (a lead time causing a greater than 50% change in average lead time).

The frozen controls page(s) indicates which items were frozen (items are only frozen by the user).

The ignore low sales page(s) indicates which item are set to ignore low sales and the number of periods left to ignore.

This report is a way to determine what is to be done with the item, i.e., whether usage, the safety allowance, lead time, frozen controls or ignore low sales are to be adjusted. Users should make adjustments through the Warehouse/Item F/M Program or the Item Flag/Restocking program. Once adjustments are made, the Item Flag/Restocking program is used to automatically reset the item restocking amounts.

Report information includes:

·   Usage: warehouse, vendor, item class, item, stocking unit of measure, movement class, season code, qualified usage, actual usage and stockout days for the 12 previous periods. The total items listed with flagged usage is also included.

·   Lead time: warehouse, vendor, item class, item and description, movement class, season code. The date and lead time for the last 5 receipts and average lead time for each item is also printed. The total number of items listed with invalid lead time is also included.

·   Frozen controls: warehouse, vendor, item class, item and description, movement class, season code, and the following frozen controls: controls, number of periods, date and memo. The total number of items listed with frozen controls is also included.

·   Ignore low sales: warehouse, vendor, item class, item and description, movement class, season code, number of periods remaining to ignore low sales. The total number of items listed to ignore low sales is also included.

The basic calculations involved are included in the report legend. For additional information, refer to the glossary.

To access this program, choose Inventory Control-->End of Period -->Flagged Item Report.

Use the following fields to print a Flagged Item Report:

1. Order

Enter whether to print in Vendor or Rank order. Press Enter (CR) to default to Vendor.

2. Beginning Order Choice

Enter the beginning vendor or movement class to print. Press Enter (CR) to default to FIRST vendor or Movement Class 1.

3. Ending Order Choice

Enter the ending vendor or movement class to print. Press Enter (CR) to default to LAST vendor or Movement Class 14.

4. Rank/Vendor

Enter the rank or vendor to print. If movement class is the report order, enter the vendor to print. If vendor is the report order, enter the rank to print. Press F3 to default to ALL.

5. Subsort By Rank/Vendor

If rank is the report order, indicate whether to subsort by vendor? If vendor is the report order, indicate whether to subsort by rank? Press Enter (CR) to default to selected.

6. Item Class

Enter the item class to print. The entry must be a valid class. Press F3 to default to ALL.

7. Item Description

Enter whether to print item description 1, 2, or Both from Item F/M, or Neither. Press Enter (CR) to default to 1.

8. Warehouse

Enter up to twenty 2-character warehouse codes side by side to print. Press Enter (CR) to default to the warehouse assigned to the terminal. F2 defaults to ALL.

9. Criteria

Enter whether to print items with flagged Usage, abnormal Lead times, Frozen controls and/or Ignore low sales. Press Enter (CR) to default to ULF.

10A. Include Permanent Freezes

If F was not entered in Criteria, this field is skipped. Indicate whether to include items whose controls are frozen permanently. Press Enter (CR) to default to selected.

10B. Include Permanently Ignored Low Sales

If I was not entered in Criteria, this field is skipped. Indicate whether to include items whose low sales are permanently ignored. Press Enter (CR) to default to selected.

See Also

Selecting existing templates

Creating system templates

Editing the order, range and properties stored in templates

Setting printer properties in templates

Using print options in reports

Setting a default printer using templates topics

Using print options

Using report templates

Viewing reports on screen (using the viewer)

Register formats and procedures

Reports and Prints Menu Options

Using Reports