Usage Review Detail (ICE556)

How to

With Usage Review Detail (ICE556) you can to change qualified usage for any document that has recorded usage for the selected warehouse and item combination you specified Usage Review (ICE555). The Usage Review program is displayed when you double click a usage line in the browser on the Usage Review (ICE555) program.

You can apply a set of filters to define the usage lines displayed in the browser.  You can filter for the beginning date for the display, and the number of days (30, 60, or 90) to display (When making any changes to date or number of days you must select the Apply Filters button to enact those changes so that the browser will redisplay with appropriate lines.).  You can also filter the existing lines in the browser, on the For Usage Warehouse dop box for the entered warehouse, along with any one of the warehouses that are replenished from the specified warehouse/item that are displayed in the drop box, or/and on the usage flag setting to display drop box (only usage marked Y, only usage marked N, or all usage), and/or on the document types drop box which may appear in the browser display: AD – adjustment, SO – Sales Order/Invoice, MC – BOM Ticket, MF – Formulation Ticket, MP – Formulation Packaging, MI – Formulation Ingredients, PO – Purchase Order, CR – Credit of usage for Customer/Vendor Returns, and LS – Lost Sale. Because there can be many types of documents, or many documents processed in a single day, the browser may contain multiple lines (for differing transactions) having the same Usage Date.

In the browser in the lower portion of the screen you can edit a line to indicate whether to update usage using the changed information for the highlighted disbursement line and then modify the qualified usage and the usage date. Information in the line browser includes: usage date, document type, document number, receipt number, invoice number, line number, warehouse number, usage setting, actual usage - Quantities are shown in Default stocking UM, qualified usage and default stocking UM.In the browser, in the lower portion of the screen, you can edit a line (to indicate whether to update usage using the changed information for the highlighted disbursement line) and then modify the qualified usage and the usage date.  Information in the line browser includes: usage date, document type, document number, receipt number, invoice number, line number, warehouse number, usage setting, actual usage, qualified usage – all quantities are shown in the current default stocking UM (and are ‘converted’ to/from any differing UM as needed).

Once you have modified a line, select the Done button to return to Usage Review (ICE555).  Upon return the highlighted line you selected will still be selected, however, the usage values will not be, yet, changed to reflect any changes you may have made in the Usage Review Detail program. To update the usage value select the Recalculate Usage button to recalculate qualified usage for specified warehouse/item or you can wait until the nightly update occurs and, upon returning the next day, find the usage on the Usage Review (ICE555) screen updated to correspond to any modifications you may have made.

See Also

Entering Qualified Usage