Document Fill Report (ICR350)

Using Reports

Use this program to advise warehouse personnel of what backorders can be filled with the incoming merchandise (received purchase orders and transfers) before the Transfer Receiving Register is run. The report can be run for special order lines (those tied to an SO) and/or restocking (those not specifically tied to an SO).

Program Overview

Received Purchase Orders print first and then the received Transfers. The program prints a page break between the two types of documents.

In addition, because transfers entry now has the capability to backorder quantity, the document lines that could be filled by incoming stock will also include transfers. The backordered sales order lines will print first and then the backordered transfer lines.

The alternate bin locations are printed on the report based on the IC Static Control F/M setting, Print Alt Locations on Transfer Fill.

Processing Details

If you select to print POs only or both document types, this program prints the received purchase order that match the selection criteria and the backordered document lines that could be filled by these receipts. If you did not include POs in the document type selection, then this program does not print and runs for transfers. After the sales order line are printed that could be filled by a PO line, then any transfer lines for the item that have a backordered quantity also print. The "to" warehouse description prints in the column where the customer name printed for the sales orders.

If you select to print transfers only or both document types, this program prints the received transfers that match the selection criteria and the backordered document lines that could be filled by these receipts. If you did not include transfers in the document type selection, then this program does not print and instead returns to the menu. The program reads the transfer line file for all open receipt lines that have a received quantity. Since there can be multiple open receipts for one ticket, the report prints the transfer ticket number and total received once and then each receipt for that ticket prints on a separate line. If you included updated receipts, those also print. Then, the report prints the lines that could be filled by that received quantity. After the sales order line are printed that could be filled by a transfer line, then any transfer lines for the item that have a backordered quantity will also print. The "to" warehouse description will print in the column where the customer name printed for the sales orders.

Access this program by choosing Inventory Control -->Warehouse Transfers -->Document Fill Report.

Use the following fields to print a Transfer Fill Report:

1. Warehouse

Enter the two-character code to indicate the ‘To’ warehouse to print. The entry must be a valid warehouse. The program defaults to the warehouse assigned to the terminal. F1 defaults to ALL. F2 allows a search.

2. Document Type

Enter whether to run the report for POs only (P), transfers only (T) or both (B). The program defaults to Both.

Purchase Orders

3. Type

Enter whether to print R-restocking (warehouse) or S-special order types. The program defaults to ALL. 

4. Include Updated

Indicate whether you want to include purchase orders that were updated in PO Receipt Entry or Non-Po Receipt Entry via the optional update process. Refer to the PO Receiving Feature: Multiple Receipts on a PO topic for details.

5PO #

Enter up to 100 received purchase order numbers to print that will be used to fill open sales orders. F1 defaults to ALL; F2 allows a search;F3 backs up and deletes the previous document.


6. Type

Enter whether to print R-restocking (warehouse) or S-special order types. The program defaults to ALL.

7. Include Updated

Include receipts that were updated in Receipt Confirmation (N/Y), Press F4 to backup. Press F1 to default to ALL.

8. Ticket #

Enter the ticket number to fill the sales order from. Press F1 to default to ALL, F2 to search or F4 to backup. Each matching ticket number will display only once, not each receipt for the same ticket.

See Also

Selecting existing templates

Creating system templates

Editing the order, range and properties stored in templates

Setting printer properties in templates

Using print options in reports

Setting a default printer using templates topics

Using print options

Using report templates

Viewing reports on screen (using the viewer)

Register formats and procedures

Reports and Prints Menu Options

Using Reports