Use this program to print a report of all tickets and items in the process of being transferred from one warehouse to another.
Report information includes the following: ticket number, item number and description, status (E-entered, P-printed, S-shipped, T-in transit, R-received, D-deleted and V-voided), request date, from and to warehouse, number of units requested, backordered (if the document status is Entered, Printed, or Shipped), shipped and received quantities (if the document status is In-transit, Received, Updated) , stocking unit of measure, cost per unit and costing unit of measure. The total number of tickets listed is also included.
The report prints a separate line for an open transfer shipment and all open transfer receipts within the ranges selected. Each will be evaluated based on its own status and priority.
Access this program by choosing Inventory Control -->Warehouse Transfers -->Transfer Status Report.
1. Order
Select whether to print the report in T-ticket or I-item order. Press Enter (CR) to default to T.
2. Beginning Order Choice
Select the beginning order choice to print.Press F1 to default to FIRST (the first record on file).
3. Ending
Select the ending order choice to print. Press Enter (CR) to default to LAST. Press F1 to default to LAST (the last record on file).
4. Beginning Date
Enter the beginning requested date to print. Press F1 to default to FIRST (the first record on file).
5. Ending Date
Enter the ending requested date to print. Press F1 to default to LAST (the last record on file).
6. From Warehouse
Enter the warehouse code to print FROM which shipments were transferred. Press F3 to default to ALL.
7. To Warehouse
Enter the warehouse code to print TO which shipments were transferred. Press Enter (CR) to default to the warehouse assigned to the terminal. Press F3 to default to ALL.
8. Item Description
Enter whether to print item description 1, 2, or B-both as set up in the Item F/M. Press Enter (CR) to default to 1.
9. Priority
Indicate whether you want to print N-normal, R-rush and/or H-service hold tickets, or you can press F3-All or F4-Backup.
Note that if you select R-rush, that report prints "* RUSH TICKET *" as the first line in the body of each page of the report.
10. Status
Enter whether to print tickets with a status of E-entered, P-printed, S-shipped, T-in transit and/or R-received. Press Enter (CR) to default to ALL.
Editing the order, range and properties stored in templates
Setting printer properties in templates
Using print options in reports
Setting a default printer using templates topics
Viewing reports on screen (using the viewer)
Register formats and procedures
Reports and Prints Menu Options