Use this program to print and if necessary, reprint transfer tickets entered through the Transfer Entry program.
The user may print transfer tickets through this program or through the Transfer Entry program.
The printed transfer tickets include all header and line-item information. The form depth (number of lines), whether printing on a preprinted form, item description(s) to print and whether to sort by location is determined in the IC static control record.
You can select to print open transfers only, backorders only or all transfers or rush tickets only, normal priority tickets only or both. Transfer Tickets on service hold will not print. Only document type "S" can be printed. Lines print in sequence number order. The program calculates and prints the next ticket shipment number in the header portion of the transfer ticket. This will not update until the shipment register is run. The header and line notes also print on the transfer.
Templates that store "system date" resolve to the "current system date at the time the report is run" rather than what the "current system date" was at the time the template was created. For example: If you save a template for the Transfer Ticket Print and select "Current Date" for the Cutoff Date field, when that template is selected to run again (either manually or via Job Stream) the cutoff date is determined using the current date in the Company Periods & Ending Dates F/M (GLF970) when the report is run not the current date when the template was created.
If the Print Alternate Locations on Transfer Ticket setting in the IC Static Control F/M program is set to yes, the Transfer Ticket Print program prints a new line after the main item line that shows all alternate locations set up for the "from" warehouse/item. If the Print Alternate Locations on Transfer Ticket setting in the IC Static Control F/M program is set to no or there are no alternate locations set up, no additional line prints.
NOTE: If a bill of lading is to be printed for a warehouse transfer ticket, it needs to be done from the SO Bill of Lading Print Program.
The Transfer Ticket (ICP310) program creates 2 flat files that will be sent to Radio Beacon. Select the checkbox to control weather or not a flat file needs to be created.
Technical Notes for ICP310:
This program checks to see if you are using EWMS for this module based on the controls in the Warehouse File Maintenance. If you are and you answered "Y" to the send to EWMS question two flat files will be created in the ssi7/ewms directory. The first file will conform to the Radio Beacon "PH" and "PD" file specifications. This will tell the picker what needs to pick for transfer out. The second file will conform to the Radio Beacon "RH" and "RD" file specifications. This will be used to receive the transfer into inventory of the receiving warehouse. Once the program is complete, the flat files will be moved from the ssi7/ewms directory to the upload directory specified in the warehouse file maintenance program. This process keeps Radio Beacon from trying to import the file before it is completely built.
Access this program by choosing Inventory Control -->Warehouse Transfers --> Transfer Ticket Print.
1. Print/Reprint
Enter whether to P-print or R-reprint tickets. Press Enter (CR) to default to P.
2. Warehouse
Enter up to 20 two-character FROM warehouse codes side by side to print. Press Enter (CR) to default to the warehouse assigned to the terminal. Press F3 to default to ALL.
3. Cutoff Date
Enter the cutoff date. This date is compared to the request date on the tickets to be printed. If a ticket’s request date falls after this cutoff date, a message to this effect displays at the next field and the ticket is not printed.
4. Doc Type
Indicate whether you want to print O-open transfers, B-backorders or A-all transfers or press F4 to backup
5. Priority
Indicate whether you want to print N-normal priority, R-rush tickets or B-both press F4 to backup
Indicate whether to send these order to via EWMS to a Radio Beacon controlled warehouses.
7. Ticket
Enter the transfer ticket number(s) to (re)print. Press Enter to default to ALL.
Select the Print All checkbox to print all selections for your print criteria and disable the Ticket Number Grid.
See Also
Editing the order, range and properties stored in templates
Setting printer properties in templates
Using print options in reports
Setting a default printer using templates topics
Viewing reports on screen (using the viewer)
Register formats and procedures
Reports and Prints Menu Options