The Transfer Document Inquiry allows you to view the various record types that make up a transfer document.
Use the following fields to display transfer document inquiry information:
1. From Warehouse
Enter the warehouse from which items are to be transferred. You can press F2 or the icon to search. Press F3 to default to ALL.
2. To Warehouse
Enter the warehouse to which items will be transferred. Press F3 to default to ALL.
3. Ticket Number
Enter a valid transfer ticket number. Search orders will be descending ticket number, reference number and item number.
4. Transfer by Descending Ticket
You can search for transfer tickets and open the selected one navigate to the next or previous ticket
You can highlight a line in the browser and press the:
Line Detail button to access transfer document line details.
Shipments button to access receipt line details.
I to access Note Entry (SME710) for the item highlighted in line item browser.
D to access Note Entry (SME710) for the transfer header record specified in the program.
L to access Note Entry (SME710) for the transfer line record highlighted in the line item browser.
Note: When in Overview mode, you cannot access the Notes feature.
If there is an open shipment request for the ticket (in Current mode), that system displays:
Shipment Request Header Information:
"From" warehouse, name and 3 address lines
"To" warehouse, name and 3 address lines
Date entered
Date requested
Date shipped
Ship via
Reference number
Status of the document being displayed
Shipment Request Line information:
Line number (display sequence number)
Item number
Description 1
UM of the shipment request
Sales Order number
Sales Order line
Full Description
Press the Shipments (disabled if there are no receipts for the ticket on file) button to scroll through receipts. You can press the Overview hyperlink to switch to Overview mode.
If there is no open shipment request remaining for the selected ticket number, then the system displays the ticket receipts in Overview mode.
Shipments View Details
In the Shipments view of Transfer Document Inquiry, there are 2 buttons available above the line item browser. The Ship GL Posting and Rect GL Posting buttons are enabled when the transaction highlighted in the browser is one that allows for drill back from the source document to the GL posting that was created by the register. The Ship GL Posting button displays GL posting records from the Shipment register. The Rect GL Posting button displays GL posting records from the Receiving register.
When viewing shipments that have been received, you can select Options>Cost Discrepancy Entry to make cost corrections to the highlighted receipt.
Receipts header information includes:
"From" warehouse, name and 3 address lines, "To" warehouse, name and 3 address lines, and from the first receipt: Date entered, Date requested, Ship via, Reference number, and Priority
Receipts Line information:
The line browser information includes:
Item number,
Description 1,
Original Requested quantity,
Total Shipped ( total shipped from the line totals file using the UM from the first receipt found),
Total Received (total received from the line totals file plus any un-updated receipts for this line (accumulated in smallest UM) displayed using the UM from the first receipt found),
Sales Order number,
Sales Order line
Full Description
The quantities display in the unit of measure of the receipt being viewed. The lines will display in sequence number order. The system also displays the totals for units and weight.
Press the Line Detail (disabled if there are no receipts for the ticket on file) button to scroll through receipts. You can press the Overview hyperlink to switch to Overview mode.
If there is no open shipment request remaining for the selected ticket number, then the system displays the ticket receipts in Overview mode.