Warehouse/Item Listing (ICR740)

Using Reports

Use this program to obtain a listing of warehouse/item records along with specific information contained in these records. This listing is especially useful for verifying stocking information after initial warehouse setup.

Items entered into the warehouse/item file through the Warehouse Item F/M or the Create Warehouse/Item Records programs are available for printing.

Report information includes:

A Rank range can be set at the company level, alone, or, it can also be set at a warehouse level. When the rank is set at the company level, the rank information is displayed in the header of the report (and indicates what the type is, either ‘Percentage’ or ‘Hit Count’) and the range that makes up each of the 5 possible entries (A – E). When the warehouse level is set, the warehouse level rank over-rides the company level rank with its own rank values and type of hit count. The Warehouse Rank value only prints on the report when a rank range is specified at the warehouse level.

The report also includes the total number of items listed.

To access this program, choose Inventory Control-->Reports & Prints -->Warehouse/Item Listing.

Use the following fields to print a Warehouse /Item Listing:

1. Order

Enter whether to print in Item, Alpha, Vendor, Rank or Item Class order. Press Enter (CR) to default to Item.

2. Beginning [Order Choice]

Press Enter (CR) to default to the FIRST record on file, or you can enter specific information to narrow the focus of your report.

3. Ending [Order Choice]

Press Enter (CR) to default to the LAST record on file, or you can enter specific information to narrow the focus of your report.

4. Item Type

Enter the item type to print: Stocked items or Nonstocked items. Press Enter (CR) to default to SN.

5. Vendor/Item Class

Enter the vendor or item class to print. Press F1to default to ALL.

6. Item Description

Enter whether to print item description 1, 2, or Both from Item F/M. Press Enter (CR) to default to 1.

7. Warehouse

Enter up to 20 two-character warehouse codes side by side to print. Press Enter (CR) to default to the warehouse assigned to the terminal. Press F3 to default to ALL.

8. Information

Enter whether to print G-general or R-receipt information. Press Enter (CR) to default to G.
If you select R-receipt information, enter the number of receipts to print, in the Last Receipts field.

9. Print Alternate Locations/ Last Receipts

For G-general information, indicate whether to print alternate bin locations on the listing. The Print Alternate Locations field is visible for the General Information only.
For R-receipt information, enter the number of receipts to print, from most recent receipt in descending date order. The Last Receipts field is visible for the Receipt Information only.

When you select to print alternate bin locations, the system adds the column heading "PRIMARY" on the first header line. If the Print Alternate Locations setting is selected, an additional line prints listing all of the alternate locations.

See Also

Selecting existing templates

Creating system templates

Editing the order, range and properties stored in templates

Setting printer properties in templates

Using print options in reports

Setting a default printer using templates topics

Using print options

Using report templates

Viewing reports on screen (using the viewer)

Register formats and procedures

Reports and Prints Menu Options

Using Reports