Unbilled Cost Report (JCR410)

Using Reports

Use this program to print a list of all transactions that have not been billed for all jobs in the jobs file.

This report should be run previous to Automatic Job Selection since it indicates which invoices will be created.

Report information includes the following:

Report totals include the total number of jobs on the report and the total dollar amounts for cost and billing.

Use the following fields to print a report of unbilled transactions:

1. Order

Select the order in which you want the report to print. Options are J-job number, M-manager, C-customer number, or K-job class order. The program defaults to job number.

2. Beginning Order Choice

Enter the beginning job number, manager, customer number or job class order. Use this field to set the beginning of the document’s range. Press Enter to start with the first code on file for the selected print order choice.

3. Ending Order Choice

Enter the beginning job number, manager, customer number or job class order. Use this field to set the end of the document’s range. Press Enter to start with the last code on file for the print order choice.

4. Warehouse

Enter the warehouse or warehouse to include on the report. Entering a valid warehouse code displays the warehouse description. The program defaults to the warehouse assigned to the terminal. Press F1to default to ALL.

5.  Customer/Manager

Enter a valid customer number (or manager if customer was selected in field #1) to which/under which the jobs were sold. Entering a valid customer/manager displays the customer/manager name. Press F1to default to ALL.

6. Status

Select whether to print only those jobs which are A-active or C-cost complete. Press F1 to default to ALL.

7. Billing Type

Select whether the billing type to print is F-fixed contract, C-cost plus, T-time and materials, N-no charge, or A-all.

8. Billing Frequency

Select whether the billing frequency to print is M-bill monthly, C-bill when complete, D-bill on demand (whenever there are invoices), or A-all. .

9. Cost Type

Select the cost type of the transactions to print or A-all. Choices are user defined in the Cost Type F/M.

10. Cutoff Date

Enter the transaction cutoff date to print. This is the date of the original posting from the source code module. Transactions with dates after this entered dated are not included. Press Enter to start with the last date on file. Press Enter (CR) to default to NO CUTOFF.

11. Scope

Select to print S-summary, D-detail or T-detail with transaction information. Press Enter (CR) to default to S.

See Also

Selecting existing templates

Creating system templates

Editing the order, range and properties stored in templates

Setting printer properties in templates

Using print options in reports

Setting a default printer using templates topics

Using print options

Using report templates

Viewing reports on screen (using the viewer)

Register formats and procedures

Reports and Prints Menu Options