Line Detail for Purchase Order screen

The Line Detail for Purchase Order screen provides information about the highlighted item selected in the browser in the lower portion of the entry screen. You can access it after you enter items on the PO document.

Use the mouse or arrow keys to select an item in the browser. Choose the Line Detail button or select Options-->Line Detail from the menu.

The Line Detail window contains all possible fields available for the PO line item. This screen is used to view and modify item descriptions, promise and request dates, item details, item/vendor info, and item cost info. When you access this screen, the system also displays Job Posting Entry dialog box for change or review.

Use PO Static Control F/M (POF980) to determine which fields should appear during PO line item processing.

The system uses this screen to display line item information for all PO Entry programs, including PO Entry, Receipt Entry, Non-PO Receipt Entry, and Invoice Receipt Entry.

You can modify the following fields for a purchase order line. Use the following field descriptions to modify information for a PO document line.

1. Descriptions

For valid item numbers, the system displays item Description 1 and Description 2 fields so you can modify the item description lines as necessary. Press Enter (CR) to default to the existing values in the Item F/M.

2. Units

The quantity ordered in the item’s default UM.

3. Requested

This field is used only when the Requested/Promised Dates flag in the Purchase Orders Entry Options record is set to Y or B. The date you want to request receipt for this item. The requested date in the header section is the displayed default value.

4. Promised Date

This field is only used when the Requested/Promised Dates flag in the Purchase Orders Entry Options record is set to Y or B. The date this item is promised for delivery. The requested date is the displayed default value.

5. Units

The quantity of the item on the PO line.

6. Cost

The cost per displayed costing unit of measure. The system displays (if on file): the manual cost from the item file, the average and last costs from the warehouse/item file, and the manual and last costs and contract costs from the vendor/item file. Depending on the Default PO Cost flag set in the PO static control record, pressing Enter (CR) to default to the manual cost of the item from item file or the last cost of the item from the vendor/item file.

7. Lead Time

Select the checkbox to use this document to update the item’s lead-time in the Receipt Register.

8. Tax

Indicates whether to charge tax for the line item.
Select the checkbox to charge tax for the line item.

9. GL (Posting Table)

This field is used only when the GL Table flag in the Purchase Orders Entry Options record is set to Y or B. Enter the GL posting table to use in the Receipt Register to post this line-item to GL. Press Enter to default to the GL posting table for the selected item in the item file.

11. Job Number

The valid job number to post this entry against. For valid job numbers, the system displays the job name, customer number and name, and billing type. Press Enter (CR) to default to the last job number entered (if any).

See Also

PO Entry Program Overview

PO Entry Header Information

PO Entry Items Information

PO Entry Footer Information

PO Entry Menu Options