This program allows you to enter vendor purchase orders into the Purchase Order system and update on-order quantities in inventory.
NOTE: It is recommended that you access the Buyers Control Center before entering a PO for a vendor. Using this program, you can order any items that demand action (below order point) and if the vendor has buying targets, any items that are below line point.
The Purchase Order Entry processing takes place in three sections: Header, items, and footer processing.
During processing, the system automatically displays urgent notes for purchase order headers and lines, vendors and items based on your settings on the Notes tab of PO Entry Options F/M. Refer to the Viewing/Entering Notes from Purchase Order Programs topic for details.
You can enter document notes for existing purchase order headers and lines. PO Document and line notes are available to view/edit (according to the user’s security) for all open documents. You also have the option to print the note on the Purchase Order. When you run the PO Receipt Register, the system copies document notes to the past PO record.
Purchasing Non-Stock Items Without a Sales Order Tie
During the quantity validation routines, this program checks the Allow Purchase Without SO flag located on the Main view of Warehouse/Item F/M (ICF920). If the flag is set to "No" and the PO is a request for a positive number of non-stock items, then the system displays a message indicating that non-stock items cannot be purchased without a sales order tie. If the flag is set to "Yes" or the request is for a negative amount of non-stock items, the system completes the purchase order processing for the non-stock items without them being tied to a sales order.
Note that PO Entry (POE120) also allows uninventoried items to be purchased without a sales order tie.
The Purchase Order Entry (POE120) program checks to determine if the purchase order you are going to change has been waved by Radio Beacon. If is has you will not be able to modify it, if it has not, the system sends a ‘nuke’ record to Radio Beacon causing this purchase order to be removed. It then needs to be reprinted in order to get it sent back down to Radio Beacon.
Vendor Returns Processing
You cannot change the return quantity in Purchase Order Entry programs. The serial/lot numbers are displayed from the SOCLOT file and cannot be changed.
The upper portion of the screen is called the header portion where you enter the purchase order number, vendor, order date and other general information. Refer to the following procedures for more information about Purchase Order Entry header processing:
After the system creates the header record, all header fields except the purchase order number, vendors, and Ship-From are accessible through the change header routine. The PO number, vendor, type, and ship-from values can only be changed by deleting and re-entering the PO. Refer to the PO Entry Header Information topic for fields and field descriptions.
The lower portion is called the line item portion where you enter the item number, quantity and cost. You have the option of changing, adding, removing line items or deleting the purchase order at any time during the entry process. Purchase orders can be open (entered), partially received, received, and deleted by line item. They can also be voided.
Refer to the PO Entry Items Information topic for field/field descriptions.
Refer to the following procedures for more information about Order Entry item processing:
The ending routine consists of final fields prior to completion of the purchase order. The ending routine is not accessible if you have not entered line items for the PO. At the end of the ending routine, the new total represents the total amount of the purchase order. Refer to the PO Entry Footer Information topic for field/field descriptions.
You can enter direct shipments. Purchase orders can be direct shipped to any customer in the Accounts Receivable system. You can also enter any new addresses for direct shipments. You can perform a credit limit check for direct ship customers.
You can enter vendor/item numbers or item interchanges in lieu of inventory control item numbers. The corresponding inventory item number is retrieved and displayed along with on hand, on order and committed quantities.
You can import suggested POs.
How to enter or change purchase orders information
Line Detail for Purchase Order Screen
How to enter PO header information