PO Print (POP110)

Using Reports 

This program allows you to print or reprint purchase orders in the purchase order file. The printed orders include all pertinent header and line-item information, addresses and totals.

You have the option to:

The printing format of purchase orders is determined by PO Static Control F/M, this includes the depth of the purchase order is determined as well as whether the form is preprinted. If the vendor has a vendor ship-from address on file, this address is printed on the purchase order rather than the accounts payable vendor address.

Purchase Order Notes

The system also prints any notes flagged during PO Entry to print on the purchase order. Urgent document notes print before normal document notes. Memos print before any line notes, and line notes print in the order of entry with no special dispensation for urgent notes.

image\pinpurpl_shg.gifA word about vendor-item numbers: You can select to print only the vendor-item number (and not the FACTS item number) on the PO. If you elect to do this and the item on the PO does not have a vendor-item number setup in the FACTS system, then the system prints blanks on the PO in that column,

Unform Archiving

The PO Print program can archive information to Unform. The program saves all copies and reprints of purchase orders and includes bar coding information and sequencing sub-ids.

To print an alignment, select Print Options-->Print Alignment from the menu bar, or in character press F2 and select Alignment from the pick list.

Access this program by choosing Purchase Orders -->Purchase Order Entry --> PO Print.

Use the following fields to print purchase orders:

1. Print Or Reprint

Enter whether purchase orders are to be P-printed or R-reprinted. The program defaults to Print.

2. Warehouse

Enter up to 20 two-character warehouse codes to print. The program defaults to the warehouse assigned to the terminal. Press F1to default to ALL.

3. Document Number

Enter the purchase order number(s) to be (re)printed, one at a time. Each entry must be a valid purchase order number. Received, deleted or voided purchase orders may not be printed. Press F3 to delete the previous document in the list.
Select the Print All checkbox to print all selections for your print criteria and disable the Document Number Grid.

See Also
Using Reports 

Using print options

Using report templates

Viewing reports on screen (using the viewer)

Using reports and prints as audit trails