In the item section of this program, you must also enter received quantities for each line item. A time-saving feature allows the entire order to be received in one step. (This is not available for serial/lot inventory.) In doing this, the system sets the received quantity equal to the ordered quantity. You can manually change the received quantity, backordered quantity, or cost for any automatic receipt. If items received are serial/lot items, you must enter the serial or lot numbers of the items you are receiving.
Editing Lines in PO Receipt Entry programs: When you edit a line in the PO receipt entry programs (PO Receipt Entry and Non-PO Receipt Entry), the received amount remains the value it was when you chose to edit the line--it does not change to the ordered amount when you edit the line.
All of the features available in the PO Entry program are also available in the PO Receipt Entry program.
According to a setting in the PO Static Control F/M program, you can use backorders in the Purchase Orders system. Purchase orders with backordered items remain in the purchase orders file after receipt. During the Receipt Register, the type in the header record is changed to B for backordered and received line items are removed and backordered line items remain.
The on-hand quantities of inventory items are not updated by this program; the system updates inventory quantities through the Receipt Register. On-order quantities can be changed by adding or deleting line items or by changing the order quantity of a line item.
Serial Numbers that have been received through Receipt Entry and that have been tied to a sales order, post to that sales order when the Receipt Register is processed.
Once you receive a purchase order, it is no longer available through the PO Entry program. However, changes to received purchase orders may be made prior to the Receipt Register through this Receipt Entry program.
Tip: When you press Enter or Tab, the additional fields that appear, such as reference number, freight Code, a buyer code, etc., depend on the settings selected in PO Entry Options F/M. This topic details all possible entries. Most of these entries already display default information; you can modify these values.
Use the following to enter line items in the receipt entry program:
The line-item portion of the program allows entry of up to 99999 line-item and message lines to complete the purchase order.
Line numbers are assigned automatically beginning with 001 and incrementing by one for each additional line-item up to 99999. .
1. Item Number
You have several options for this entry:
# - Enters an item number
M - Enters a memo
S- Enters a special order line number
F2- Allows a search
F3 - Ends line-item entries
Item number
Enter any valid item number. If the item is not a valid item, the system will check to see if it is an interchange, or if it is a vendor-item number; if either of the latter are true the system automatically prints the valid item number and sets its defaults.
Entering a valid item number displays the vendor relation, last lead time, vendor-item number, item class, standard package size, buying weight, and inventory quantities. The relation is considered primary if this vendor number is stored with the item in the inventory control item file. If not a primary relationship, the relation is considered secondary when there is record of purchase of the item from this vendor. Otherwise, the relation is considered unlisted. The program skips to field #18.
Only stocked and uninventoried items may appear on a PO without being tied to a sales order document.
Press M to enter a memo line. Any entry is accepted as a memo and will appear when the purchae order is printed.
Special order
You can enter a special order line number. The system displays the Special Order Entry dialog box where you can enter the sales order number (the Order field) from which to import a line item. If a sales order is on hold, you cannot import special order lines from the sales order.
End entry
Stop entering line items. The program then proceeds to the prompt-selection field.
2. Descriptions
This field is initially skipped except for memo lines. Enter the item descriptions or memo. If you enter memo lines, the system skips the remaining fields. Otherwise, after entering description 1, enter description 2. Press Enter (CR) to default to the existing values.
3 Ordered (Quantity)
Enter the ordered quantity (1-999999999) for this item or select a display code. You can change the buying unit measure for the ordered quantity to another valid buying UM by selecting the Change UM icon.
You can access display information via the View menu option
Display information is described below:
O Ordered. Displays existing purchase orders for the selected item and warehouse at a time. The display for each purchase order includes: the purchase order number, type, status, ordered quantity, received quantity, backordered quantity, unit of measure for the quantities, cost and its corresponding unit of measure, the promised date and vendor number.
C Committed. Selecting committed displays more display codes on the screen: S-sales orders, T-warehouse transfers, M-manufacturing and E-equipment rental. Press Enter (CR) to default to S.
Selecting S displays sales orders for the selected item and warehouse at a time. Each order shows: the document number, type, status, ordered, shipped, and backordered quantities and corresponding unit of measure, price and corresponding unit of measure, date and customer number.
Selecting T displays warehouse transfer tickets for the selected item at a time. Each ticket shows: ticket number, status, requested date, shipped and received quantities and their corresponding unit of measure, cost and its corresponding unit of measure, date of transfer, and the warehouse the item was transferred to.
Selecting M displays manufacturing tickets for the selected item and warehouse at a time. Each ticket shows: the ticket number, type and status, quantity to be manufactured and its corresponding unit of measure, scheduled date and if it is a component item, what the item is a component of.
Selecting E displays equipment rental contracts containing the selected item. Each contract shows: the contract number, type (C-rental contract, D-invoice/credit memo), status (E-entered, P-printed, R-returned, I-invoiced, D-deleted, V-voided), line number on the contract on which the item appears, date of rental, units rented, stocking unit of measure, rental price, and rental customer name.
R Displays the Restocking View for the selected item. Displayed are: restocking type, order point, line point, min stock, max stock, order quantity method, order quantity, lead time (stored in the IC warehouse/item file), safety allowance %, and frozen ordering controls.
U Displays the Usage View with the item’s activity for the last six periods, or previous six periods (depending on the Trend Type), the number of days stocked out for the last six periods and the average for both.
V Displays the last purchase from each vendor that sells the item, by vendor lines at a time. The vendor number is displayed as well as the vendor-item number and manual cost, also from the last purchase from that vendor: the last PO number, and the units purchased and cost with their corresponding units of measure.
W Displays the inventory quantities that are currently in each warehouse for this item. The warehouse number is displayed, as well as the on hand, committed, available, backordered and on order (not including the line displayed) quantities and their corresponding units of measure.
4. Received (Quantity)
Enter the quantity of the item received. Press Enter (CR) to accept the current value. Press F1 to change the received amount to the ordered quantity. You can change the buying unit measure for the received quantity to another valid buying UM by selecting the Change UM icon.
5 Serial/Lot Number (Optional)
If the item being received is not a serial/lot number, this field is skipped. If the item is a serial/lot item, the serial/lot numbers must be entered that are being received. Press Enter (CR) to continue. Press F2 to enter the serial/lot number. *For serialized items, enter one serial number for each unit being received. If entering multiple serial numbers, enter the first serial number and press F1-Auto Assign to have the system generate the remaining numbers. The automatic serial number assignment will increment the last series of numeric digits found within the entered. *For lotted items, the lot number is entered along with the quantity. In either case, the serial/lot quantities entered must equal the amount in the received column.
6. Backordered (Quantity)
The Allow Backorders flag in the PO Static Control F/M establishes whether backorders are permitted. If backorders are not permitted, this field is skipped. If backorders are allowed, enter the quantity backordered. Press Enter (CR) to allow the backorder quantity to be set equal to the ordered quantity minus the received quantity. This field is only used when the Backordered flag in the Purchase Orders Entry Options record is set to Y or B.
7. Cost
Enter the cost per displayed costing unit of measure.
If the current cost is not a contract or the standard PO cost, the cost search program will highlight the default cost, otherwise the cost currently on the line will be highlighted.
The system displays (if on file): the manual cost from the item file, the average and last costs from the warehouse/item file, the manual and last costs or the contract cost (if available) from the vendor/item file. Depending on the Default PO Cost flag set in the PO static control record, pressing Enter to default to the manual cost of the item from item file or the last cost of the item from the vendor/item file. This field is only used when the Cost flag in the PO Entry Options record is set to Y or B.
When a new line is being created, the system automatically calculates the default cost. After the cost is entered, the system captures the origin of the cost. If you select a cost other than the default cost, the system sets the cost override flag. The system also displays Contract to indicate whether the displayed cost is from a contract.
You can access cost details from the View -->Cost Origin menu option.
8. Requested
The system displays the date requested from the PO receipt header information.
9. Promised
The system displays the date promised from the PO receipt header information.
10. Lead Time
This field is used only when the Lead Time flag in the PO Entry Options F/M is set to Y or B.
Select the checkbox to indicate you want to update the item’s lead-time in the Receipt Register. Press Enter (CR) to default to the lead time field in the header portion of the screen. If the quantity is a negative amount, this field is skipped.
11. Tax
Select the checkbox to indicate you want to charge tax on this line-item.
12. GL
This field is used only when the GL Table flag in the PO Entry Options record is set to Y or B. Enter the GL posting table to use in the Receipt Register to post this line-item to GL. Press Enter (CR) to default to the GL posting table for the selected item in the item file.
13. Extension
The line-item extension is calculated and displayed.
This concludes an entry in the line-item portion of the Receipt Entry program. The running totals for weight and dollar amount are updated and displayed. The line number is incremented by one, displayed, and the program returns to the next line-item entry if in add mode or the prompt-selection field in change mode.
Following the entry of the last line-item, the prompt-selection field allows the user to perform a number of functions:
Stop entering line items.
Highlight a line item and select the Line Detail button to access the Line Detail for Purchase Order screen, which is used to view and/or modify item descriptions, promise and request dates, item details, item/vendor info, and item cost info. The system displays Job Posting Entry dialog box for change or review.
Select the Header Detail button to access the Header Detail for Purchase Orderscreen, which is used to view and modify header information.
Select the appropriate Note icon to access Note Entry (SME710) for the vendor specified in the program, the item highlighted in line item browser , the purchase order header record specified in the program or the purchase order line records in the line item browser.
You can edit, add, delete, or insert a PO line.
Save your changes.
When changing a line-item - after changing the line-item information displayed on the screen, the job cost information appears if the Use Job Cost flag is set to Y in the static control record and if job cost information was entered for the line-item in the PO Entry program. In the job cost prompt, you can press Enter (CR) to continue, F2 to change job cost information or D-to delete job cost information. If press Enter (CR) to continue, you can then press Enter (CR) to accept the line or enter J to return to the job cost prompt. If you presses F2 to change the entry, you can enter N or Y to indicate whether to print the memo on the job cost invoice, or you can press F4 to back up to the job cost information entered to make corrections or changes. If D to delete the job cost information is used, enter the N or YES to indicate whether to delete.
If entering or changing job cost information, the following fields are used:
14. Job Number
Enter the valid job number to post this entry against. Entering a valid job number displays the job name, customer number and name, and billing type. Press Enter (CR) to default to the last job number entered (if any).
15. Price Message
If the job is a fixed contract or time and materials contract, this field is skipped. If the job is a cost plus (+) contract or a no charge contract, a message is displayed indicating the price, which must be billed for the job. Press Enter (CR) to default to continue.
16. Cost Code
Enter a valid cost code (up to four characters). Entering a valid cost code displays the cost code description and the cost type. The cost code sets the defaults for markup method (for all jobs that are not cost plus) and billing rate (for jobs that are fixed contracts or time and material). The cost code also determines whether the user is able to override the defaults.
The item entry determines the units, unit of measure and cost rate/extension.
17. Markup
This field is initially skipped and set to the markup assigned to the cost code. This may only be entered for jobs that are time and materials or fixed contracts and the Allow Override Of Billing flag is set to Y in the cost code record. This may also be changed for no charge jobs but the bill rate is not affected.
Enter the markup method to use for this posting entry. You have the following options:
# Enter the markup amount (0-9999999.99). Entering a number tells the system to mark up the cost by a dollar amount. The system marks up the cost rate by the dollar amount and calculates the bill extension.
#+% Enter the percentage (0-9999999.99%) to mark up the cost. To enter a percentage, the user must enter an amount and then the percentage sign. If no percentage sign is present, the system assumes the entered amount is a dollar amount. The system marks up the cost rate by the percentage amount and calculates the bill extension.
M Enter the bill rate/extension manually. Entering M displays the word MANUAL and the program proceeds to the Bill Rate field.
The fixed markup method is unavailable for selection, but can be used. To utilize the fixed method, select a cost code whose markup method is fixed.
Enter (CR) initially defaults to the markup method (amount/percentage) from the cost code record.
18. Bill Rate
This field is unavailable if the Allow Billing Override flag in the cost code record is set to N. This field is initially skipped unless the markup method of the cost code is manual. Enter the price per displayed unit of measure. The bill extension is calculated and displayed. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0.
19. Memo
Enter the memo to post for this job cost transaction and to print on the job cost invoice (if applicable - see next field). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to blanks.
20.Print Memo On Job Cost Invoice?
This field is initially skipped and set to N. Enter N or Y to indicate whether to print the memo (entered in the previous field) on the job cost invoice. The field may only be set to Y if the billing detail for the cost type (that the cost code is assigned to) is set to A for all transactions in the Job Entry program. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to N.
21. Enter (CR)-Continue, F2-Change Entry, D-Delete Entry
Press Enter (CR) to continue, accept the line and return to the prompt-selection field.
PO Receipt Entry Header Information
PO Receipt Entry Footer Information
How to enter or change PO receipt information
How to enter PO receipt header information