Past Purchase Order Report (POR870)
Using Reports 

Use the Past Purchase Order Report to retrieve past purchase order information. You can sort output by Vendor or by Past Purchase Order and filter your selection using various criteria. This report will print notes as stored in the Past PO Document note file and Past PO Line note file (but only if that note was set to be printed when the note was stored in the note files). This report can be modified through Report Formatter.


For this report to be useful, your system must store past purchase orders, therefore, only data that is stored can be reported.

FACTS Report Formatter and Multiple Output Options

This report has access to the FACTS Report Formatter and Multiple Output option. The Multiple Output option allows you to print to more than one output for each instance of a report. For example, a report can print to Excel, the viewer, and to a printer all in one print run. To access the multiple output feature simply choose the Multiple option from the Print Options screen. The FACTS Report Formatter allows you to expand your reporting capabilities beyond defining a printer (in Printer F/M). To access the FACTS Report Formatter, select Custom Report Layout-->Customize Report from the menu bar.

Access this program by choosing Purchase Orders -->Reports & Prints -->Past Purchase Order Report.

Use the following fields to print the Past Purchase Order Report:

1. Order

Select the order to use to print the report. You can select from Vendor or Purchase Order. Press enter to default to P-Purchase Order.

Note: Changing the Order selection will clear the order entry grid of all entries. Additionally, changing from Purchase Order to Vendor will clear the Vendor entry grid within the header restrictions fields and disable that grid and its options.

2. <order grid – for purchase order values or vendor values>

Enter the values to be printed. Values must be valid per the order indicated. Leave blank or press F1 to default to ALL. Press F3 to delete the last entered value in the grid. There is a limit of 10,000 entries in this grid.

A “Range” button is provided to aid in multiple-value entry. Selecting the range button will display a new screen. You may use the Range button repeatedly to return various ranges of desired values.



Enter a starting value of a desired range. Entry is mandatory and must be valid per the order indicated.


Enter an ending value of a desired range. Entry is mandatory and must be valid per the order indicated.

Grid Action

Select from A-Add to grid or R-Replace grid with this range. Option A will append the returned values to the grid, adding to any already entered values (without duplication). Option R will remove all/any values already entered in the grid and replace them with the returned values from this specific range.

Restrictions - Value Entry for printing the Past Purchase Order Report:

There are two Tabs, Header and Lines, within which various filters can be specified in order to limit the output of the report to only those desired past purchase orders.

Header Tab:

3. Type

Select the type to restrict the output to. You can select from P-Normal PO, N-Non-PO Receipt, or A-All. Press enter to default to A-All which returns all types.

4. Document Total

Select the document total restriction to be A-All or G-Greater Than (and Equal to) or L-Less Than (and Equal to) an entered amount. Positive and negative values can be entered in the prompt following the selection. If the restriction is not A-All then a value must be entered in the adjoining text box.

5. Date Type

Select the date type restriction to be A-All, O-Order, R-Request, P-Promised, or C-Received. Two fields, Beginning Date and Ending Date, allow specific date ranges to be entered and will restrict returned output to only those past purchase orders that meet the date type and date range criteria. For Beginning Date make a date entry or press F1to default to FIRST. For Ending Date make a date entry or press F1 to default to LAST. .

6. Warehouse/Direct

Select from W-Warehouse, D-Direct, or A-All.

Note: Changing Warehouse/Direct selection to W-Warehouse will clear the following Customer entry grid of all entries and disable that grid and its options.

7. Customer grid

Enter the values to restrict output to. Values must be valid customers. Leave blank or press F1 to default to ALL. Press F3 to delete the last entered value in the grid. No entry is the equivalent of not restricting output by any customer(s) as stored in a past purchase order record. There is a limit of 10,000 entries in this grid.

A “Range” button is provided to aid in multiple-value entry. Selecting the range button will display a new screen. You may use the Range button repeatedly to return various ranges of desired values.



Enter a starting value of a desired range. Entry is mandatory and must be a valid customer.


Enter an ending value of a desired range. Entry is mandatory and must be a valid customer.

Grid Action

Select from A-Add to grid or R-Replace grid with this range. Option A will append the returned values to the grid, adding to any already entered values (without duplication). Option R will remove all/any values already entered in the grid and replace them with the returned values from this specific range.


Note: Changing Warehouse/Direct selection to W-Warehouse will clear the Customer entry grid of all entries and disable the grid and its options.

If Warehouse/Direct is A-All and a customer is entered in the entry grid, then, if the past purchase order receipt being validated has no associated customer then that past purchase order receipt will pass this selection criteria, as will those past purchase order receipts with a customer that matches an entry in the grid. If a past purchase order receipt has a customer and it does not match an entry in the grid (and the Warehouse/Direct is A-All) then that past purchase order receipt will fail this selection criteria and will not print.

If Warehouse/Direct is D-Direct, then, if a customer is entered in the entry grid that customer must match the past purchase order receipt customer, so, if the past purchase order receipt customer is blank it will not match a customer in the grid and that past purchase order receipt will not be printed.

8. Warehouse grid

Enter the values to restrict output to. Values must be valid warehouses. Leave blank or press F1 to default to ALL. Press F3 to delete the last entered value in the grid. No entry is the equivalent of not restricting output by any warehouse(s). There is a limit of 10,000 entries in this grid.

A “Range” button is provided to aid in multiple-value entry. Selecting the range button will display a new screen. You may use the Range button repeatedly to return various ranges of desired values.



Enter a starting value of a desired range. Entry is mandatory and must be a valid warehouse.


Enter an ending value of a desired range. Entry is mandatory and must be a valid warehouse.

Grid Action

Select from A-Add to grid or R-Replace grid with this range. Option A will append the returned values to the grid, adding to any already entered values (without duplication). Option R will remove all/any values already entered in the grid and replace them with the returned values from this specific range.


9. Buyer

Enter a Buyer to restrict output to. Value must be a valid buyer.

10. Department

Enter a Department to restrict output to. Value must be a valid department.

11. Vendor grid

Enter the values to restrict output to. Values must be valid vendors. No entry is the equivalent of not restricting output by any vendor(s). There is a limit of 10,000 entries in this grid.

A “Range” button is provided to aid in multiple-value entry. Selecting the range button will display a new screen. You may use the Range button repeatedly to return various ranges of desired values.



Enter a starting value of a desired range. Entry is mandatory and must be a valid vendor.


Enter an ending value of a desired range. Entry is mandatory and must be a valid vendor.

Grid Action

Select from A-Add to grid or R-Replace grid with this range. Option A will append the returned values to the grid, adding to any already entered values (without duplication). Option R will remove all/any values already entered in the grid and replace them with the returned values from this specific range.

Note: Changing the Order selection from Purchase Order to Vendor will clear the Vendor entry grid and disable the grid and its options.

12. Vendor Class

Enter a Vendor Class to restrict output to. Value must be a valid vendor class.


Note: If the vendor of the Past Purchase Order being validated is no longer on file then the Vendor Class of that ‘missing’ vendor cannot be compared. Therefore, if a vendor class is entered here and the vendor on the past purchase order is no longer on file the vendor class validation will be skipped (so that if all other criteria pass then this past purchase order will be printed).

Lines Tab:

Note: Multiple lines may exist on a past purchase order receipt. If any one line on a past purchase order receipt ‘passes’ the selection criteria then all lines of that past purchase order receipt will be printed. A single past purchase order may have multiple receipts - this means it is possible for a past purchase order (having many receipts) to have only one line of one receipt ‘pass’ the line selection criteria and thereby print only one receipt of a given past purchase order.

13. Line Order Type

Select from S-Special Order, R-Replenishment, or A-All. Special orders would be those lines having an associated sales order number. Replenishments would be those lines marked as resulting from a suggested order.

Note: Changing Line Order Type selection to R-Replenishment will clear the following Customer entry grid of all entries and disable that grid and its options.


14. Customer grid

Enter the values to restrict output to. Values must be valid customers. . No entry is the equivalent of not restricting output by any customer(s) from an associated past sales order. There is a limit of 10,000 entries in this grid.

A “Range” button is provided to aid in multiple-value entry. Selecting the range button will display a new screen. You may use the Range button repeatedly to return various ranges of desired values.



Enter a starting value of a desired range.Press F2 to search. Entry is mandatory and must be a valid customer.


Enter an ending value of a desired range. Entry is mandatory and must be a valid customer.

Grid Action

Select from A-Add to grid or R-Replace grid with this range. Option A will append the returned values to the grid, adding to any already entered values (without duplication). Option R will remove all/any values already entered in the grid and replace them with the returned values from this specific range.


Note: Changing Line Order Type selection to R-Replenishment will clear the Customer entry grid of all entries and disable the grid and its options.

If Line Order Type is A-All and a customer is entered in the entry grid, then, if the past purchase order receipt line being validated has no associated past sales order then that line will pass this selection criteria, as will those lines with an associated past sales order that also have a customer which matches an entry made in the entry grid. If a line has an associated past sales order and its customer does not match an entry in the grid (and Line Order Type is A-All) then that line will fail this selection criteria, and so, if that is the only line on the past purchase order receipt then that past purchase order receipt will not print.

If Line Order Type is S-Special Order, then, if a customer is entered in the entry grid that customer must match the past sales order customer, so, if the past purchase order receipt line’s sales order number is blank it will not match a past sales order customer in the grid and that past purchase order receipt will not be printed (if no other lines are selected to print).


14. Item grid

Enter the values to restrict output to. Values must be valid items. No entry is the equivalent of not restricting output by any item(s). There is a limit of 10,000 entries in this grid.

A “Range” button is provided to aid in multiple-value entry. Selecting the range button will display a new screen. You may use the Range button repeatedly to return various ranges of desired values.



Enter a starting value of a desired range. Entry is mandatory and must be a valid item.


Enter an ending value of a desired range. Entry is mandatory and must be a valid item.

Grid Action

Select from A-Add to grid or R-Replace grid with this range. Option A will append the returned values to the grid, adding to any already entered values (without duplication). Option R will remove all/any values already entered in the grid and replace them with the returned values from this specific range.

15. Item Class

Select the item class restriction to be A-All, O-At Time of Order or C-As Currently Exists. The following field allows entry of a specific item class value to restrict output to. Value must be a valid item class. If no item class entry is made (the restriction is not A-All but no class entry is made) this prompt is ignored.

Note: If the item of the Past Purchase Order is no longer on file then the Item Class of that ‘missing’ item cannot be compared. Therefore, if an item class is entered (and the comparison is for ‘As Currently Exists’) and the item is not on file then the validation of the entered item with the missing item will fail and the line being validated will also fail. This means, under such an occurrence, that if this is the only line on a PO receipt then this PO receipt will not be printed.

16. Quantity

Select the quantity restriction to be A-All, G-Originally Ordered, O-Ordered, R-Received, B-Backordered, or T-Total Received and then select a restriction on that quantity to be either G-Greater Than (and Equal to) or L-Less Than (and Equal to) the value entered in the adjoining field. Positive and negative values can be entered in the prompt following the selection. If the quantity restriction is not A-All then a value must be entered in the adjoining text box.


See Also

Using Reports 

Using print options

Using report templates

Viewing reports on screen (using the viewer)

Using reports and prints as audit trails