Item Multiperiod Analysis (SAR410)

Using Reports 

Use the Item Multiperiod Analysis program to print item information stored in the SA item file in three formats.

Report information includes the following:

In the three formats, item and report totals and the total number of items listed are printed. If the print order selected is vendor, the report prints item class totals within vendor and vendor totals. If the print order selected is item class, the reports prints vendor totals within item class and item class totals.

Templates that store "current period" (or similar values like "system date") resolve to the "current period at the time the report is run" rather than what the "current period" was at the time the template was created. For example: If you save a template for the Item Multiperiod Analysis and select "Current Period" for the Beginning Period field, when that template is selected to run again (either manually or via Job Stream) the current period will be derived based on the setting of Current period in the Nonstatic Control F/M (SAF990) when the report is run not the period when the template was created.

FACTS Report Formatter and Multiple Output Options

This report has access to the FACTS Report Formatter and Multiple Output option. The Multiple Outputoption allows you to print to more than one output for each instance of a report. For example, a report can print to Excel, the viewer, and to a printer all in one print run. To access the multiple output feature simply choose the Multiple option from the Print Options screen. The FACTS Report Formatter allows you to expand your reporting capabilities beyond defining a printer (in Printer F/M). To access the FACTS Report Formatter, select Custom Report Layout-->Customize Report from the menu bar.


Use the following fields to print the Item Multiperiod Analysis:

1. Format

Enter whether to print the A-accumulated, C-comparison or M-multiperiod format. The program defaults to A.

2. Order

Select the order the report is to print: Item, Alpha, Vendor or Item Class.

3. Beginning Order Choice

Depending on the order you selected set the beginning of the range that you want to appear on the report.  

4. Ending Order Choice

Depending on the order you selected set the end of the range that you want to appear on the report. Press F1 to default to LAST. Press F2 to search existing item, vendor or item class codes.

5. Beginning Period

Enter the period (PPYY) with which you want the report to begin. The program defaults to the first period of the calculated current yearThe system calculates the current period using the current system date and the information store in the Company Period & Ending Dates F/M (GLF970) and Standard Period Ending Dates F/M (GLF965) programs.

6. Ending Period

Enter the period (PPYY) with which you want the report to end. The ending period must be within 12 periods of beginning period. The program defaults to the calculated current period.  

7. Item Type

Select whether you want S-Stocked, N-Nonstocked or U-Uninventoried items to print on the report. Enter (CR) defaults to all three. You can select any combination of these choices.

8. Item Description

Enter whether to print item description 1, 2, B-both or N-neither as entered in the Item F/M. The program defaults to Description 1.

9. Number Periods Back

If you selected Comparison format, enter the number of periods back that you want to compare against the beginning and ending periods you entered. For instance, say in the beginning and ending fields you indicate that you want to see Periods 1 and 2 and you want to compare 12 periods back for each. Assuming that your company operates on 12 periods per fiscal year, the report would give you the following comparisons:

Period 1

12 back from Period 1

Period 2

12 periods back from Period 2

Jan. 2006

Jan. 2005

Feb. 2006

Feb. 2005






Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 12. If you select Accumulated or Multiperiod formats, this field is disabled.

10. Figures

Enter the figures that you want printed on the report. If you choose to output your report in Accumulated format, you can enter any combination of S-Sales, C-Cost, G-GM$, P-GM% and U-Units. If you select Comparison or Multiperiod formats, you can enter any of those figures, plus c-average cost or p-average price. If you are printing in Multiperiod or Comparison formats, the program defaults to S-Sales. If you selected the Accumulated format, the program defaults to SCGPU.

11. Cutoff

This field allows you to cut off customers that show figures either A-Above or B-Below a certain amount (the amount is indicated in the next field). The program defaults to N-No Cutoff.

12. Amount

Enter the cutoff amount for which customers will not print (+/-99999999). The program defaults to 0. If you selected N-No Cutoff in the previous field, this field is disabled.

13. Descending Order

Indicate whether or not you want to print figures in descending order — from highest to lowest. The program defaults to N.

14. New Page

If you choose to print the report in Item or Alpha order, this field is skipped. Otherwise, indicate whether you want each vendor or class to print on a new page. The program defaults to N.

15. Totals Only

If you choose to print the report in Item or Alpha order, this field is skipped. Otherwise, indicate whether you want to print totals only on the report. The program defaults to N. Note: If you select Totals Only and have Descending Order selected as well, the program automatically deselects Descending Orders since it becomes unnecessary.

See Also

Using Reports

Using print options

Using report templates

Viewing reports on screen (using the viewer)

Using reports and prints as audit trails

Register procedures