Branch F/M (SMF955)

This program allows the user of the FACTS system to enter and maintain branches to be used throughout the system.

The branch may be imbedded (inserted) in the GL account number and transaction from AP, AR, IC, JC, MC, PO, PR and SO may be posted to general ledger by branch. The branch is separate from the department. Branches may be set up as separate profit centers where departments may be set up within branches. Financial reports may be printed by branch; therefore, whenever a branch is entered or used for a warehouse, the branch defaults to the branch assigned to the terminal. The warehouse branch (where applicable) takes precedence over the terminal branch. In accounts payable a branch is assigned to each document; most AP reports print by branch. In accounts receivable a branch is assigned to each customer; each AR invoice document is assigned the branch assigned to the customer. In sales orders each invoice document is assigned the branch assigned to the warehouse (except the Statement Print).

In all AR reports, the branch assigned to the document takes precedence over the branch assigned to the customer. The Statement Print sorts the documents assigned to the customer and prints the customers by branch. In payroll a branch is assigned to each employee; most PR reports print by branch.

In inventory control, sales orders, purchase orders and manufacturing control, a branch is assigned by the branch assigned to the warehouse.

For more information how to use maintenances, refer to the following topics:

How to use file maintenance programs


The following steps are involved in entering and maintaining branches:

1. Branch

Enter the branch code (2 digits).   

2. Description

Enter the description of the branch (up to 30 characters).

3. Bank

Enter the default bank for the branch. The entry must be a valid bank.