User Code F/M (SMF410)

General Tab  Security Tab  Back to Top

Use this program to create and maintain user codes for each user of the system. Each user code is assigned a password, security levels, valid companies they may work in, fax phone number, suffix and cover page, whether user tracking is used and the initial menu to display. These entries, in conjunction with the program security levels and passwords, provide maximum security and privacy of information.

When signed on, the user’s code is displayed in the upper right corner of the menu screen. As users attempt to access a program, their security code is checked against the program’s security code. The codes must match for users to use the program.

Program security codes are assigned through the Password Security F/M. Each program is assigned to one security code. Initially, all programs are set to 0. The user may then modify security codes and allow specific users into specific programs.

For more information how to use maintenances, refer to the following topics:

How to use file maintenance programs

Use the following fields to create a user code record:

General tab

1. User Code

Enter the code to be used to identify this user (up to three characters), i.e., it is usually the user’s initials. ALL is not accepted.

2. Name

Enter the user’s name (up to 25 characters). At lease one character must be entered.

3. Initial Menu

Enter the initial menu displayed on the screen for the user code after signing on to the system. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to the master menu (MMS000).

4. Phone Number

Enter the user’s phone number (up to 20 characters). This phone number will print on the fax cover page for the sender phone variable. This is useful to let the fax recipient know the direct phone number or extension of the sender.

5. Fax Number

Enter user’s fax number (up to 20 characters). This phone number is used by default when creating a new fax and is displayed with the Cover Page Information, where it may be altered. If you do not enter a fax number in User Code F/M then the phone number from Company F/M will be used.

6. Fax Suffix

Enter any suffix necessary for the user when sending fax requests. The use of a fax suffix is defined in the FaxLink Static Control F/M.

7. Fax Cover Page

Enter the code (up to 4 characters) of the fax cover page for this user. This is the default cover page that will be assigned when this user creates a fax request.

8. SLS/TER Code

Enter the salesperson/territory code that is assigned to this user code (3 characters).

9. Call Grace Period

Enter the number of days (0 to 999) that the user has to make a past due call.

10. Call Code

Enter the code (up to 10 characters) that this user enters to access long distance.

11. Home Directory

Enter the users home directory (up to 40 characters). The directory entered must be a valid. Press F2 for a search for directories.

12. Email Address

Enter the users email address to be used by the system when sending program-generated information.

13. Autocomplete

Indicate whether FACTS should attempt to complete entry in select FACTS entry fields when the user begins to enter a value, FACTS will review information in the database and provide matching options the user can select for entry in searches and programs. Information is entered into Autocomplete system when the user presses the Enter to add information.

Security tab

1. Password

Enter the password to be used by this user for entry into the system (up to 6 characters).
F1 to set or clear the force new password at login function for the user. Note that the F1 key acts as a toggle for the function.
F2 to delete an existing password. Press F3 to generate a new password. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to blank.

Note: The user password is not readable anywhere in FACTS. In the file maintenance programs, such as User Code F/M, and at login, the password will display as asterisks. The system administrator can only change another user's password by using the Generate Password button in User Code F/M. FACTS will generate a valid password but will require the user to change it the next time he or she logs in.
The only time a change to the password can be keyed in is in User Preferences F/M; a user can change his own password by keying in a new one.

2. Valid Companies

Enter up to 10 valid two-character company numbers side by side which the user may access. 

3. Track User

Indicate whether to track the user, if the user tracking system is set to selected (on). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to unselected.

4. Require Escape Code

Indicate whether this user must enter an escape code before they can abort out of an error. If you enter Y, the user must contact the system administrator for the escape code when the window describing the error condition is displayed. By doing this, you prevent users from aborting out of programs that may be updating files without first checking with the system administrator. If you enter N, this user will be able to abort from any error in any type of program. From an error handling window, a user set up with N will also be able to enter SS to escape into the workspace of the current program or ES to escape into the called program workspace. However, regardless of the entry in this field, all users are able to abort from an error resulting from a locked record.

Note: Certain programs may always require an escape code (for example, the DSR update). If Z8$ is set to "**" prior to calling the standard escape routine, all users will be required to enter an escape code regardless of this flag or which error was encountered.

5. Security Codes

Enter security codes side by side for this user (0-9). Security codes can be any digit between 0 and 9 and may be assigned in any combination. Press F3 to default to ALL. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0.

6. Administrator Privileges:

User-defined Fields

Indicate whether you want to allow this user to configure user defined fields for any of the following maintenance programs: Item F/M (ICF910), Vendor F/M (APF910), Ship-To F/M (ARF920), or Customer F/M (ARF910).
To configure user-defined fields:
After you select the checkbox above, exit FACTS and log back in to allow this change to take effect.
Access the desired file maintenance program: Item F/M (ICF910), Vendor F/M (APF910), Ship-To F/M (ARF920), or Customer F/M (ARF910).
Access the User-Defined screen of the selected file maintenance.
Select the Configure
icon or press F1, and the system displays the User-Defined Field Characteristics Entry (SMC996) program, where you can enter user-defined fields and the characteristics associated with the field. Refer to the User-Defined Field Characteristics Entry (SMC996)topic for additional details.


Indicate whether you want to allow this user as a Note Administrative User.

This user has access to the Admin Menu on Note Entry (SME710). From the Admin menu, you can access the Notes Security screen, which allows you to determine which users have Note Entry access by security code, whether users can create/edit categories for note types, and manage category creation by security code.


Indicate whether you want to allow this user as a Report Administrative User. Report Admin users may create System Layouts and also assign security to fields on the report.

       Executive Inquiry

Indicate whether you want to allow this user to have administrative privileges in the Executive Inquiry program. Administrative privileges allow the user to update chart settings in Executive Inquiry.

        Allow Report Exports to Excel

Indicate whether you want to allow this user to print reports to Excel.

       Allow Reports to File on Client

Indicate whether you want to allow this user to create ASCII delimited or ASCII fixed width files on the client.

       Approve EFT Transactions

Indicate whether you want to allow this user to approve electronic fund transfer transactions.

Review Price Contracts

Indicate whether you want to allow this user to review contracts and modify contract status.

View GL Posting

Indicate whether you want to allow this user to view GL posting information from inquiry programs where users can drill back from the source document to the GL posting that was created by the register.

Field Level Settings

Indicate whether the user can administer field -level settings like passwords or security codes.

       Field Maintenance Audit

       Indicates the user will have an additional menu, Audit, available to in all graphical file maintenances.         

Options on this menu include:

Change Audit Settings for This File - allows the administrator to turn on/off auditing of the file being edited.

View Audited Changes to This File - takes the user to Audited Changes Inquiry for the file they are editing. If the user is on the key fields when selecting this option, only the file name is pre-populated in the inquiry. If a record is loaded in the file maintenance the option is selected, the file and the specific key will be pre-populated, allowing the user to see the changes to that specific record.

View All Audited Files - takes the user to the View All Audited Files program, where the user can see the full list of files that are being audited.

Audited Changes Inquiry - takes the user to Audited Changes Inquiry with no pre-populated information, allowing the user to select any file and any key to inquire on.

Purge Audit Records for All Files by Date - allows the administrator to purge records from the audit files prior to the selected date.

The file maintenance audit administrator also has the option to right-click on any non-key field in the file maintenance where administrators have the option, "Show Changes to This Field". Selecting that option will display a list of all audited changes to that specific field.