Use this program to maintain user preferences for each user of the system. You can access this program by selecting the Settings button on the FACTS main menu. These settings are derived from User Code F/M and other FACTS programs that provide default information for FACTS companies, users, and locations. Each user can modify their own settings using this program.
My Alerts
You can access the System Alerts Dashboard, where you can subscribe to system generated alerts, by selecting the My Alerts button.
Multiple User Profiles
Users can set up multiple profiles with different defaults for warehouse, printer, etc. Then, if users need to change from working in warehouse 01 to warehouse 02, they can simply change the active profile and all of the default values will change. Users do not need to have multiple logins to get different default values. The active profile is displayed when the user enters this program.
Whenever the user changes their active profile, all of the global default variables will be reset. If no default warehouse, department or branch is set in the user’s active profile then they will be taken from the location record, if one is set up.
Settings Drop Down List: On the FACTS Main menu, a drop-down list from the Settings button allows the user to change their active profile. When the mouse pointer is hovered over the settings button, it will show what profile the user is working with.
The drop-down contains two menu items.
• Change Active Profile: Selecting this display a window with a prompt for selecting a profile. You can press to search display the profile description. Selects OK to close this window and reset the active profile to the new one and store it to the user code record.
• Profile F/M: Selecting this will bring up User Profile F/M where the user can add, edit and delete profile records. Upon returning, the last profile that was edited will be compared to the active profile and if different the user FACTS asks if the active profile should be changed to this one.
For more information how to use maintenances, refer to the following topics:
How to use file maintenance programs
1. User Code
Enter the code to be used to identify this user (up to three characters), i.e., it is usually the user’s initials. ALL is not accepted.
2. Name
Enter the user’s name (up to 25 characters). At lease one character must be entered.
3. Email Address
Enter the email address to associate with this user.
4. Phone Number
Enter the user’s phone number (up to 20 characters). This phone number will print on the fax cover page for the sender phone variable. This is useful to let the fax recipient know the direct phone number or extension of the sender.
5. Fax Number
Enter user’s fax number (up to 20 characters). This phone number is used by default when creating a new fax and is displayed with the Cover Page Information, where it may be altered. If you do not enter a fax number in User Code F/M then the phone number from Company F/M will be used.
6. Fax Suffix
Enter any suffix necessary for the user when sending fax requests. The use of a fax suffix is defined in the FaxLink Static Control F/M.
7. (Fax) Cover Page
Enter the code (up to 4 characters) of the fax cover page for this user. This is the default cover page that will be assigned when this user creates a fax request.
8. Default Font
Enter the default font to use for text entered in FACTS.
9. Autocomplete
Indicate whether FACTS should attempt to complete entry in select FACTS entry fields when the user begins to enter a value, FACTS will review information in the database and provide matching options the user can select for entry in searches and programs. Information is entered into Autocomplete system when the user presses the Enter to add information.
10. Active Profile
Select the profile for the user. You can revert to the previous selection. FACTS compares the last profile that was edited to the active profile and if different, FACTS displays a message asking if the active profile should be changed to this one.
11. Location
Enter the location code for the user profile.
12. Screen Size
Enter the percentage for the screen size display for FACTS programs.
In the Profile Defaults section, enter the user profile default information:
13. Printer
The default printer id code for the user profile.
14. Salesperson/Terr
Enter the default salesperson/territory code for the user profile.
15. Warehouse
Enter the default warehouse for the user profile.
16. Department
Enter the default department for the user profile.
17. Branch
Enter the default branch for the user profile.
Use the Change Password tab to update your password.
1. Current
Enter the current password for this user.
Note: The user password is not readable anywhere in FACTS. In the file maintenance programs, such as User Code F/M, and at login, the password will display as asterisks.
The system administrator can only change another user's password by using the Generate Password button in User Code F/M. FACTS will generate a valid password but will require the user to change it the next time he or she logs in.
The only time a change to the password can be keyed in is in User Preferences F/M; a user can change his own password by keying in a new one.
2. New
Enter up your new FACTS password.
3. Confirm
Re-enter up your new FACTS password to confirm the change.