User Profile F/M (SMF450)

Use User profile F/M (SMF450) to add, edit and delete profile records. When you re-enter this program, FACTS compares the last profile that was edited to the active profile and if different, FACTS displays a message asking if the active profile should be changed to this one. Whenever the user changes their active profile, all of the global default variables will be reset. If no default warehouse, department or branch is set in the user’s active profile then these defaults are be taken from the location record, if one is set up.

For more information how to use maintenances, refer to the following topics:

How to use file maintenance programs

Use the following fields to create a user profile record:

 General Tab

1. User Code

Enter the code to be used to identify this user (up to three characters), i.e., it is usually the user’s initials.  

2. Profile

Enter the profile for the user. FACTS compares the last profile that was edited to the active profile and if different, FACTS displays a message asking if the active profile should be changed to this one.

3. Location

Enter the location code for the user profile.   

4. Screen Size

Enter the percentage for the screen size display for for FACTS programs.

In the Profile Defaults section, enter the user profle default information:

5. Printer

The default printer id code for the user profile.  

2. Salesperson/Terr

Enter the default saleperson/territory code for the user profile.

3. Warehouse

Enter the default warehouse for the user profile.  

4. Department

Enter the default department for the user profile.  

5. Branch

Enter the default branchfor theuser profile.