Bank F/M (SMF510)

General tab  Reconciliation tab  History tab  AP Electronic Payments tab  

Use this program to create and maintain alphanumeric bank codes, which are used throughout the system to represent banks used by the company.

Before you create bank codes, make sure General Ledger account numbers exist for the bank or banks the codes will represent. Account numbers are created and maintained in the Account F/M program (General Ledger-->File Maintenances-->Account F/M).

Bank codes can be up to two characters long and they are used in the following programs (among others):

For more information how to use maintenances, refer to the following topics:

How to use file maintenance programs


The following fields are involved in creating a bank record:

General tab

1. Bank

Enter the bank code (up to 2 characters). If you enter one character, the system pads the entry with a 0 on the left. F2 allows a search of existing codes.

2. Bank Name

Enter the bank name (up to 30 characters).

3. Country

Enter the bank’s country.

4. Address

Enter the bank’s address information.

5. City

Enter the city name (up to 15 characters).

6. State

Enter the state name using the two-character designation provided by the post office.

7. Zip code

Enter the zip code (up to 10 characters).

8. Final Address Line

Enter the final address line for the vendor’s address (up to 30 characters). Press Reset default to the city, state and zip entered in the previous fields. The Final Address Line may be used for international addresses and will be used for all printouts instead of city, state and zip.

9. Contact

Enter the name of the person you work with at the bank (up to 25 characters).

10. Phone #

Enter the bank phone number including area code and dashes (up to 17 characters).

11. Bank Account #

Enter the bank account number (up to 20 characters). Once you enter the account number, the program displays the current balance in that account. You cannot edit the balance from this field.

If you need to make an adjustment, use the Bank Reconciliation Entry (SME520) program. This ensures proper audit trails.

12. Current Balance

FACTS displays the current bank balance available. Note this field is display only and not modifiable.

13. Bank G/L #

Enter the General Ledger account number for cash in this bank. This account number is used during General Ledger distribution when various Check Registers are run. The entry must be a valid general ledger number. F2 allows a search.

In the Security Code section, enter security codes side by side for this access to this bank.

With unrestricted access, the user will be able to do all of the functions available in the banking system for this bank.
By giving a user the limited access security code instead of the unrestricted code, the user will only be able to view, edit or delete open deposit and transfer out transactions for this bank in Bank Transaction Entry. In all other banking programs, the user will get the message "User does not have security to access this bank".
With neither code, the user will not be able to do anything with this bank.

14. Unrestricted Access

Enter a character from a-z, A-Z or 0-9 to define the security code that authorizes users to have unrestricted access to bank information and processing in Transaction Entry.

To authorize a user for the unlimited access to this bank, make sure this code appears in the Security Code field of that user’s record in User Code F/M.

15. Limited Access

Enter a character from a-z, A-Z or 0-9 to define the security code that authorizes users to see open bank transfers and deposits in Bank Transaction Entry (SME510).

To authorize a user for the limited access to this bank, make sure this code appears in the Security Code field of that user’s record in User Code F/M.

Reconciliation tab

1. Use Deposit System

Indicate whether you company uses the deposit system for indirect transactions from the AR Sales Register and Cash Receipts Register and the Daily Sales Register. If the "Use Deposit System" flag is set to "Yes", the system enables the Bank Transfer Clearing Account field in Bank F/M to indicate the cash clearing GL account for the bank account.

2Bank Clearing GL Account

Enter the General Ledger account number for indirect transactions processed through the Deposit System in this bank. FACTS uses this account when indirect transactions post to the holding file and clears the account when the Deposit Register runs. The entry must be a valid general ledger number.  

4. Auto Create Deposit

Enter Y-yes or N-no to indicate whether to Auto create deposit records in bank file. Press F4 to backup.

5. Separate Deposit for Credit Card

Indicate whether to auto create separate deposit records in bank file for credit card transactions. Press F4 to backup.

6. Separate Deposit for Debit Card

Indicate whether to auto create separate deposit records in bank file for debit card transactions. Press F4 to backup.


History tab

1. AP Last Reg Check # Printed

Enter last regular accounts payable check number printed (1-999999). During system setup, this entry should be set to one less than the first accounts payable check number you print on this system. The program initially defaults to 000000.

2. AP Last Man Check # Used

Enter the last manual accounts payable check number used (1-999999). This entry should be set to the last check number used in your manual check book when processing begins. The program initially defaults to 000000.

3. AR Last Deposit Ticket #

Enter last accounts receivable deposit ticket number (1-99999), as listed on your preprinted deposit tickets (if applicable). The program initially defaults to 0000.

4. PR Last Reg Check # Printed

Enter last regular payroll check number printed (1-999999), as listed on your preprinted checks (if applicable). The program initially defaults to 000000.

5. PR Last Manual Check # Used

Enter the last manual payroll check number used (1-999999). This entry should be set to the last check number used in your manual checkbook when processing begins. The program initially defaults to 000000.


AP Electronic Payments tab

1. AP Electronic Payments

Indicate whether this bank supports electronic payments--Yes or No.

Note: The following fields will only be enabled if the AP Electronic Payments field is selected. Once selected Bank F/M check for ach or wire payments that are in process and will not allow a change to this setting if payment records exist.

2. Password for EFT Approval

Enter the password to use for to approve EFT transactions.

3. ACH Entry Class

Enter the ACH entry class. You can select from C -CCD, D-CCD+, or T-CTX

4. Post to Bank Rec by Batch

Indicate whether to post payments to Bank Reconciliation by electronic batch.

5. Payment Batch File Directory

Enter the location for the payment batch file to be written.

6. Company ID

     Enter the company id for the company that originated the ACH transaction.


In the Email for Payment Remittances section:

7. From Address

     The email address form which payment remittances are sent.

8. Internal BCC Address

    The blind carbon copy address (not seen by the recipient) for internal, company personnel for payment remittances.


In the Last Used section:

6. ACH Payment Number

Enter the last manual ACH number used (1-999999). This entry should be set to A plus the last check number used when processing begins. The program initially defaults to 000000.

7. Combined ACH Payment Number

Enter the last combined ACH number used (1-999999). This entry should be set to “C”+this number will be the “check” number of the combined payment that is reported in the EFT Payment Batch file and in Back Reconciliation.The program initially defaults to 000000.

8. Wire Transfer Payment Number

Enter the last wire transfer used (1-999999). This entry should be set to W plus the last check number used when processing begins. The program initially defaults to 000000.

9. EFT Batch Number

Enter the last EFT batch register number used (1-999999). The program initially defaults to 000000.