Deposit/Payment Entry (SOC718)

Use this feature to enter customer deposits or payments on SO documents.

You can access this feature from any of the SO Order Management programs (Order Entry, Service Order Entry, Confirmation, Direct Invoice Entry, Credit Memo or Counter Sale Entry) by selecting the Deposits or Payments buttons.

image\pinpurpl_shg.gif Tips:

If an invoice contains a zero balance payment or deposit with a transaction (i.e., transfers, apply on account, refund, etc.) against it and you attempt to delete the document, the system displays a message indicating that the financial transaction will remain in effect. You can delete this document, or, you can backup to the Payment dialog box and delete the transaction if necessary.

When a deposit is transferred to another order, the system applies the same deposit settings from the Daily Sales Register to the order that receives the deposit.


What do you want to do

Enter a deposit or payment

Edit a deposit or payment

Delete a deposit or payment

Clear an outstanding deposit from an SO document

Apply a payment to a customer's account

Refund a payment to a customer


See also

image\SHORTCUT.gif Credit Card Handling

image\SHORTCUT.gif Cash Drawer Handling

Entering deposits and payments

1. Select Deposits or Payments from the main screen of the entry program or from the footer window. This opens the Deposit/Payment Entry window.

2. In the browser, press Enter or choose the Add button to the right side of the screen.

3. Choose Deposit or Payment from the drop down list in the popup window.

 In Order Entry, Deposit is the only option. Payments cannot be entered on sales orders until they are converted to invoices.

 In Credit Memo Entry, Payment is the only option.

4. Enter the cash type terms code.

Deposits and payments must use AR terms codes types 1, 2, 3 or 4. These should be set up in the AR Terms Code F/M. Press F2 to search terms codes. Tip: Refer to the Type column to see which codes are type 1, 2, 3 or 4.

5. Enter the amount of the deposit or payment.

ICVERIFY users: If you entered a credit card terms code, the credit card transaction pop-up window appears after you choose Save.

Deposits and payments cannot exceed their document totals. If FACTS detects an overage, it asks to either refund the overage or apply it to the customer’s account before it lets you complete the document.

6. If applicable, enter the check number or credit card number.

If the Use Last 4 Digit Security flag is selected in the Credit Card Control F/M, the system displays only the last four digits of the customer’s credit card number in this prompt.

7. Add any notes about the payment or deposit.

Notes are optional. Notes can include check numbers, short memos, etc.

8. Choose Save.

ICVERIFY users: Swipe the credit card or manually enter credit card information.

Cash Drawer users: When you complete the deposit or payment entry, the system checks to see if you are signed into a cash draw. If you did not sign in through the Update Shift program, the system prompts you for a drawer ID. Press F2 to search for available cash draws.

Editing deposits and payments

1. Access the Deposit/Payment Entry window from an entry program.

2. Select the payment or deposit in the browser.

3. Press Enter (CR) or choose the Edit button to the right. You can make changes to terms codes, amounts, notes.

Credit card transactions that have been forced or have been approved by the processing company cannot be changed. You must void the credit card transaction or perform a refund back to the credit card and then enter a new deposit or payment.

Transferred deposits cannot be modified.

Cash payments, meaning payments made with a type C cash terms code from the footer window, cannot be edited in the Deposit/Payment Entry window. If you need to make a change to a cash payment, delete it or refund it first and then add another payment.

4. Choose Save to return to the Deposit/Payment Entry window.

Deleting deposits and payments

1. Access the Deposit/Payment Entry window from an entry program.

2. Select the deposit or payment in the browser.

3. Press the Delete key on the keyboard or choose the Delete button on the right side of the window.

If the deposit or payment has been acted on — applied, earned, transferred, etc. — you must delete the transaction first and then delete the original deposit or payment.

Transferred deposits cannot be deleted.

If a deposit or payment was made by a credit card, you cannot delete it. You must void the transaction or refund the payment.

4. Choose OK to confirm.

Clearing Outstanding Deposits from SO Documents

You cannot complete a Confirmation, Direct Invoice or Counter Sale document with an outstanding deposit. A deposit entered on a document is considered an outstanding deposit until you perform one of the following actions:

Deposits cannot be applied to a sales order document until the document is converted to an invoice.

Use the Outstanding Deposits Report (Sales Orders-->Reports-->Outstanding Deposits Report) to generate a list of outstanding deposits. You can run this report at any time during the Sales Order process. It does not affect the DSR.

To apply a deposit to a customer’s account:

1. Access the Deposit/Payment Entry window from an entry program.

2. Select the deposit in the browser. Choose the Apply Trx button.

3. In the popup window, select O-On Account in the Transaction Type dropdown list.

4. Press F1 or choose the Balance button to apply the total amount of the deposit to the customer’s account. Apply part of the deposit by manually entering an amount. If you enter a partial amount, you must clear the remainder of the deposit before you complete the order, invoice, counter sale or credit memo.

5. Choose Save to return to the Deposit/Payment entry window.

To earn a deposit:

Before you can earn deposits, reason codes must be set up in the Deposit Earned Reason Code F/M (Sales Orders-->File Maintenances-->Infrequent File Maintenances-->Deposit Earned Reason Code F/M).

1. Access the Deposit/Payment Entry window from an entry program.

2. Select the deposit in the browser and choose Apply Trx.

3. In the popup window, choose E-Earn from the Transaction Type dropdown list.

4. Enter the reason code. Press F2 to find a reason code. The reason codes enable you to track why the customer forfeited the deposit and indicate to which GL number the earned deposit should post.

5. Enter the amount being earned. Press F1 or choose the Balance button to earn the entire amount.

6. Choose Save to return to the Deposit/Payment entry window.

To refund a deposit:

1. Access the Deposit/Payment Entry window from an entry program.

2. Select the deposit in the browser and choose Apply Trx.

3. In the popup window, choose R-Refund from the Transaction Type dropdown list.

4. In the Terms Code field, indicate how the payment is being refunded – cash, check, credit card, etc. The terms code must be a cash type 1-4. Press F2 to search terms codes.

Check refunds must be processed through the AP Manual Check Entry program. A note to this effect appears in the Daily Sale Register, but the amount does not affect the register totals.

5. Enter the amount of the refund. Press F1 or choose the Balance button to refund the entire amount.

6. If applicable, enter the AP check number, if you are refunding the payment by check, or enter the customer’s credit card number.

7. Choose Save to return to the Deposit/Payment Entry window.

To apply a deposit to the same document (create a payment):

1. Access the Deposit/Payment Entry window from an entry program.

2. Select the deposit in the browser and choose Apply Trx.

3. In the popup window, choose A-Apply from the Transaction Type dropdown list. This option is not available if you’re in Order Entry. Applied deposits are the same as payments, which can only be made on invoices, counter sales and credit memos.

4. Enter the amount to apply on the customer’s account. Press F1 or choose the Balance button to apply the entire amount.

5. Choose Save to return to the Deposit/Payment Entry window.

To transfer a deposit to another document for the same customer:

1. Access the Deposit/Payment Entry window from an entry program.

2. Select the deposit in the browser and choose Apply Trx.

3. In the popup window, choose T-Transfer from the Transaction Type dropdown list.

4. Enter the document to which you want to transfer. Press F2 to find the document. It must belong to the same customer. The document number appears under the Notes column header in the browser on the main Deposit/Payment Entry screen.

5. Enter the amount to apply on the customer’s account. Press F1 or choose the Balance button to apply the entire amount.

6. Choose Save to return to the Deposit/Payment Entry window.

Using payment options

Payments made on a document are automatically applied against the document’s total unless you apply the payment to the customer’s account or refund the payment back to the customer.

To apply a payment to a customer’s account:

1. Access the Deposit/Payment Entry window from an entry program.

2. Select the payment in the browser and choose Apply Trx.

3. In the popup window, choose O-Apply on Account from the Transaction Type dropdown list.

4. Enter the amount to apply on the customer’s account. Press F1 or choose the Balance button to apply the entire amount.

Check refunds must be processed through the AP Manual Check Entry program. A note to this effect appears in the Daily Sale Register, but the amount does not affect the register totals.

5. Choose Save to return to the Deposit/Payment Entry window.

To refund a payment to the customer:

1. Access the Deposit/Payment Entry window from an entry program.

2. Select the payment in the browser and choose Apply Trx.

3. In the popup window, choose R-Refund from the Transaction Type dropdown list.

4. In the Terms Code field, indicate how the payment is being refunded – cash, check, credit card, etc. The terms code must be a cash type currency (type 1-4) or cash. Press F2 to search terms codes.

5. Enter the amount to refund. Press F1 or choose the Balance button to apply the entire amount.

6. If applicable, enter the AP check number, if you are refunding the payment by check, or enter the customer’s credit card number.

7. Choose Save to return to the Deposit/Payment Entry window.