SO Entry Options F/M (SOF915)

Use the SO Entry Options F/M program to streamline quote entry, order entry, confirmation, direct invoice entry, credit memo entry and counter sale entry.

SO Entry Option settings are not user-specific; they affect all SO Order Management Suite users.

In this program, you define whether header, line item entry and footer inputs are:

You can also select which totals appear on the entry screen, set item browser flags to indicate backordered items, temporary items, nonstock items, as well as direct ships and items shipping from alternate warehouses, and set the notes pop-up display for item and customer notes.

Programs that can be modified through this file maintenance are

The Quote Entry option to recalculate user-overridden costs for items when a quote is imported to another quote or converted to a sale order is controlled through the SO Static Control F/M

What do you want to do?

Modify an SO document header section

Modify an SO line-item entry section

Modify an SO footer section

Set item flags to appear in item browsers

Select document to totals to appear on the main screen

Select the Unit of Measure to use in the SO Entry, Invoice and Confirmation Entry, Quote Entry and SO Document Inquiry programs

Set Notes pop-up functionality

See Also

For more detailed information on file maintenance programs, consult the following topics.

How to use File Maintenance programs




Header and Header 2 Tabs

Modifying SO document header inputs:

1. Select the type of entry program you want to change.

Choose from Order Entry/Service Order Entry, Counter Sales Entry, Credit Memo Entry, Confirmation, Direct Invoice, or Quote Entry. Once you have a document type selected, you can use the VCR buttons to scroll to another document type.

2. Select the Header and Header 2 tabs.

The Header tabs list all possible header inputs for SO Order Entry Management Documents. Each of these inputs can be accessed through the program’s Header Detail window even if they don’t appear in main screen’s header section.

If an input appears disabled, it either means it is not available for the type of document selected or the feature may not be available on your system. For instance, if Routes are not used on your system, the Route input is disabled on this tab.

You can set edit and required options for each input or accept the defaults.

Edit options:

Y-Allow Edits to the Field.

Select this option to allow users free access to this field, whether it appears on the main screen or just in the Header Detail. This is the default Edit option.

Do Not Allow Edits to the Field.)

Select this option if you want the field disabled in the Header Detail window of the selected program. The field may look the same as an enabled field, but the cursor will never fall on that field.

B-Allow Backup into Field.

Select this option to initially skip a field, but allow users to back up to it if they need to edit the information later in the entry process. This option does not disable the field.


Select this option to make this field un-editable. A disabled field is usually grayed out in appearance and the value cannot be changed. It is important to also note that even if a field is disabled, the field and its value can still be seen by the user.


 Required options:

Y-Yes, Required Input.

Users must enter information to complete the document. You can set any number of the inputs to "Required." Those that will not fit on the main entry window will appear in a separate window.

N-No, Not Required.

This is the default. Fields set to Not Required appear, but the program does not force users to enter information in them to finish the entry.

S-Required Input and Main Screen Display.

Use this setting when the input is not only required, but you want it to appear on the main window of the SO document that you selected. You can set up to three inputs to appear on the main window in addition to the standard inputs. Ship-to, Order Date, Request Date, Invoice Date and Ship Date always appear on their respective main windows so the Require on Main Screen option is not available for these inputs.


3. Select the Header Prompt tab.

Indicate whether you want customer balances and/or credit limits to appear when users enter the selected document header.

Also indicate whether aging information, quotes information and customer notes should be available to users in the selected document type.

Line Flds Tab

Modifying line-item entry sections:

1. Select a document type.

Use the VCR buttons to scroll through the document options or select New to return to the dropdown list.

2. Select the Line Fields tab.

All the possible detail inputs for line-item entry are listed on this tab. Each of these inputs can be accessed through the program’s Line Detail window even if they don’t appear in a popup window during line-item entry.

 Set Edit options.

Y-Allow Edits. The input appears on the screen and users can edit the field once they select it or tab into it.

Do Not Allow Edits to the Field.) Select this option if you want the field disabled in the Header Detail window of the selected program. The field may look the same as an enabled field, but the cursor will never fall on that field.

B-Allow Backup into Field. Select this option to initially skip a field, but allow users to back up to it if they need to edit the information later in the entry process. This option does not disable the field.

D-Disable Select this option to make this field un-editable. A disabled field is usually grayed out in appearance and the value cannot be changed. It is important to also note that even if a field is disabled, the field and its value can still be seen by the user.

 Set Required options.

Certain inputs always appear in the line-item entry portion of SO document entry screens. Your business may require other item-related information during document entry. Required fields other than the standard line-item entry fields appear in a popup window.

Two Additional Input windows can appear. The first appears after the item input and the second appears after the price input. These windows only appear when you are adding an item. They do not appear when you edit an item. Choose the Line Detail button if you need to edit fields that do not appear in the main line item entry section

1-Set 1. Use this option to set the fields that should appear at the beginning of the additional inputs window that appears after the item input.

2-Set 2. Use this option to select the next set of fields to appear in the additional inputs window that appears after the item input.

3-Set 3. Use this option to select the set of fields that you want to include in the additional inputs window that appears after users enter a price.

N-Input Not Required. This is the default option. Inputs set to Not Required appear in the Line Detail, but users are not required to edit the field.

M-Access from Menu. This may be useful if when there are several fields that are not required but need to be easily accessible. This option enables users to access line item related fields from the Options menu as needed. Users are not required to edit this input; however it is accessible from the main screen through the menu option and the field appears in a pop up window.

3. Set temporary items fields.

The following fields can appear when users enter temporary items in the system:

Define whether users edit, skip or back into these fields for the selected program.

4. Select the Line Options tab.

For the Order Qty (quantity) Prompt section, indicate the options that you want to display in the line entry process when entering order quantities. For the Prices section, indicate the options that you want to display in the line entry process when entering pricing for items. You can select from: Standard, Level, Contract, Best, List, Last, and QtyBreak.For the PriceSearch, Gross Margin Display, Gross Margin Warning prompts indicate the options that you want to display in the line entry process when entering pricing for items. If you select the Gross Margin Warning checkbox FACTS displays a message as soon as the order is opened when the Percent Gross Margin falls outside of the customers’ valid GM % range for order lines. The line item browser also displays a GM% flag to indicate which lines are outside the recommended limits.

For the Sugg PO/TR by Type section, indicate whether you want to have the system ask to create suggested purchase orders or suggested transfers during Order Entry line processing for each of the following item types?

For the Stocked and Nonstocked prompts indicate whether you want to have the system ask to create suggested purchase orders or suggested transfers during Order Entry line processing.

You can select from the following options:

C Always Create Suggested PO—Indicates you want to always create suggested POs for out of stock items. If no suggested document already exists for the sales order line, the system does not prompt the user to add a suggested PO during sales order line item entry but creates one automatically for the item’s primary vendor. If a suggested PO or a suggested transfer already exists, the system updates the suggested document automatically using the sales order receipt line (from the SORSOL table) values. The system also updates the existing suggested PO vendor into the sales order receipt line (SORSOL) vendor field if it is not already the same.

If the vendor is inactive, the user receives a message that the vendor is inactive and a suggested PO cannot be created and the system displays the Create Suggested Transaction window. If a suggested transfer exists and the user changes the shipping warehouse on the line, the system deletes the suggested transfer. Then, if there is a backorder quantity on the line, the system automatically creates a suggested purchase order for the item’s primary vendor.

R Always Create Based on Restocking Path—Indicates you do not want the user to be prompted to add or change a suggested document but you want to have the system create/update a suggested document automatically. If the restocking path of the shipping warehouse is from the vendor and no suggested document exists, the system will not prompt the user to add a suggested PO but creates one automatically for the item’s primary vendor. If the restocking path is another warehouse and no suggested document exists, the system will not prompt the user to add a suggested transfer but automatically creates one with the "From" warehouse set to the restocking warehouse. If a suggested PO or a suggested transfer already exists, the system will automatically update it using the sales order receipt line (SORSOL) values. The system also updates the existing suggested PO vendor into the sales order receipt line (SORSOL) vendor field if it is not already the same.

If the vendor is inactive, the system displays a message that the vendor is inactive and a suggested PO cannot be created, and the system displays the Create Suggested Transaction window. If a suggested document exists and the user changes the shipping warehouse on the line, the system deletes the suggested document. If there is a backorder quantity on the line, the system creates a suggested document based on the restocking path of the new warehouse.

Y Always Ask Defaulting to a Suggested PO—Indicates you want to always ask the user before creating a suggested PO. If there is a backorder quantity on the line and no suggested document already exists, the system displays the Create Suggested Transaction window during SO line entry. The Create prompt defaults to "P" for suggested PO and the vendor prompt defaults to the item’s primary vendor. The user can then change these prompts as desired. If the line is edited and a suggested document already exists, the system displays a window prompting to keep/update the suggested document.

A Always Ask Defaulting to Restocking Path—Indicates that you always want the system to ask the user before creating a suggested document. If there is a backorder quantity on the line and no suggested document already exists, the system displays the Create Suggested Transaction window during SO line entry. If the item is restocked from the vendor, the system defaults to creating a suggested purchase order and the Vendor prompt defaults to the item’s primary vendor. If the item’s restocking is from another warehouse, the system creates a default suggested transfer from the restocking warehouse. The user can then change these prompts as desired. If the line is edited and a suggested document already exists, the system displays a window prompting the user to keep/update the suggested document.

N Never create—Indicates that you do not want the system to prompt the user to add a suggested document and no suggested PO/Transfer is automatically created. If a suggested PO or transfer already exists for the line, the system displays a dialog box describing the document that exists and prompting the user to either keep/update it or not. If the user selects to keep/update the document, the document information is re-written to the Suggested PO (POSUGG) file using the current sales order receipt line (SORSOL) information. The system updates the existing suggested PO vendor into the sales order receipt line (SORSOL) vendor prompt if it is not already the same. If the user selects not to keep/update the document, the system deletes it. The system does not display the Create Suggested Transaction window during SO line entry. If the vendor is inactive, or the shipping warehouse is changed, the system deletes the suggested document, displays a message indicating the deletion, and does not create a suggested transaction document.

For the Uninventoried and Temporary prompts indicate whether you want to have the system ask to create suggested purchase orders or suggested transfers during Order Entry line processing.

You can select from the following options:

C Always Create Suggested PO—Indicates you want to always create suggested POs for out of stock items. If no suggested document already exists for the sales order line, the system does not prompt the user to add a suggested PO during sales order line item entry but creates one automatically for the item’s primary vendor. If a suggested PO or a suggested transfer already exists, the system updates the suggested document automatically using the sales order receipt line (from the SORSOL table) values. The system also updates the existing suggested PO vendor into the sales order receipt line (SORSOL) vendor field if it is not already the same.

If the vendor is inactive, the user receives a message that the vendor is inactive and a suggested PO cannot be created and the system displays the Create Suggested Transaction window. If a suggested transfer exists and the user changes the shipping warehouse on the line, the suggested transfer is deleted. Then, if there is a backorder quantity on the line, the system automatically creates a suggested for the item’s primary vendor.

Y Always Ask Defaulting to a Suggested PO—Indicates you want to always ask the user before creating a suggested PO. If there is a backorder quantity on the line and no suggested document already exists, the system displays the Create Suggested Transaction window during SO line entry. The Create prompt defaults to "P" for suggested PO and the vendor prompt defaults to the item’s primary vendor. The user can then change these prompts as desired. If the line is edited and a suggested document already exists, the system displays a window prompting to keep/update the suggested document.

N Never create—Indicates that you do not want the system to prompt the user to add a suggested document and no suggested PO is automatically created. If a suggested PO already exists for the line, the system displays a dialog box describing the document that exists and prompting the user to either keep/update it or not. If the user selects to keep/update the document, the document information is re-written to the Suggested PO (POSUGG) file using the current sales order receipt line (SORSOL) information. The system updates the existing suggested PO vendor into the sales order receipt line (SORSOL) vendor prompt if it is not already the same. If the user selects not to keep/update the document, the system deletes it. The system does not display the Create Suggested Transaction window during SO line entry.

For the SPN UM prompt indicate whether to use the Standard Part Number UM or the FACTS item UM as the default selling unit of measure when an item is added on a document.

Footer Flds Tab

Modifying SO document footer inputs

The following fields can be modified on SO document footers:


Define whether users edit, skip, disable or back into these fields for the selected program.

If you disable or skip (set to D-Disable N-Skip) the Freight $ input, freight amounts cannot be imported shipping software, such as Clippership.


Flags Tab
Setting Item Flags 

You may find it necessary to flag certain items so they stand out in the item browser. The flags make it easy for you to see which items on a document are temporary, nonstock or backordered; which require direct ships; and which need to be shipped from an alternate warehouse.

Each input also displays the letter associated with each flag that displays in the line-item browser in the designated entry program. You can use this as a reference to understand the meaning of the letters shown in the entry browser.


In the browser, the flags appear as single letters.

B = Backordered

N = Nonstock Item

D = Direct Ship

O = Item is on hold

T = Temporary Item

R = Item has been rejected for shipping

A = Item shipped from alternate warehouse



More than one flag can appear for each item.


Example: The item flags appearing for "crackle vases" shows that the item is both backordered and temporary.

Total Tab
Displaying totals on SO entry main screens

1. Select the document type if you have not already done so.

Use the VCR buttons to scroll through the document options or choose New to access the dropdown list.

2. Select the Totals tab.

3. Select up to four totals to display at the bottom of the main entry screen.

If you select more than four, only the first four appear on the main entry screen.

Setting the Unit of Measure

4. Select the Unit of Measure to display in SO entry programs and SO Document Inquiry.


In the Total UM input select the UM to use in SO Entry, Invoice and Confirmation Entry, Quote Entry and SO Document Inquiry. You can select from S-smallest Um for an item, L-selling UM for the item, or T-stocking UM for the item.


Notes Tab
Setting Notes pop-up functionality

Use this screen to set notes to display in a pop-up window in Sales Order Entry programs.

For each of the prompts listed below:

1. Customer Notes

2. Item Notes

3. Header Notes

4. Line Notes

Complete the following:

In the Customer Notes, Item Notes, Header Notes and Line Notes inputs indicate whether item, vendor and SO document header and line notes should display in the Important Notes on File pop-up window from Sales Order Entry programs when you access a customer, item or sales order header or line that has notes associated with it.

You can select to display U-urgent notes only or A-all notes to display in the pop-up window; select N-no notes to not use the pop-up window at all.

Note: When an Order Entry program automatically creates purchase order such as for a direct ship sales order, FACTS determines if Vendor and Item notes should import into the PO, based on the export options setup on the note, and the Notes pop up functionality is disabled. If a note is set to export or required, then FACTS automatically imports the note onto the PO.