Quotes, which displays quote information including quote number, quote date, expiration date, warehouse, sales order number (if converted to a sale), the customer for whom the quote was made, who gave the quote and the quote total.
Ship-to, which displays alternate ship-to information from the created in the Ship-To F/M for this customer. This view lists the alternate ship-to numbers, location names, contact 1, and phone number 1.
Open Sales Orders, which displays sales order information including document number, document type (work order, invoice, credit memo, counter sale, etc.), document status (work order entered but not printed, work order printed, confirmed invoice, receipted invoice, deleted sales order, voided invoice), document origin, order priority, ship-complete status, invoice date, warehouse, amount, ship-to and reference number.
Blanket Sales Orders, which displays information on blanket sales orders including document number, hold status, warehouse, entry date, expiration date, completion date, ship-to number and reference number.
Past Invoices, which displays past invoices including SO document number, AR invoice number, order priority, ship-complete status, document type (work order, invoice, credit memo, counter sale, etc.), invoice date, warehouse, amount, ship-to and reference number.In the view area, select the line and choose the Line Detail button or double click on the icon at the beginning of that line. On the Line Detail screen for Past Invoices view of SO Customer Inquiry, there are 2 special buttons available above the line item browser. The GL Posting button is enabled when the transaction highlighted in the browser is one that allows for drill back from the source document to the GL posting that was created by the register. If the GL posting records can be found, then Journal Inquiry will display defaulting to showing transactions for this document only. The AR Detail button is available to view the AR document associated with the invoice if it is still on file.
MSDS, which displays information on Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) that were sent to this customer. The information in the view consists of the MSDS ID and ID description, ship-to, date last sent, MSDS revision date and the invoice numbers with which the MSDS sheets were sent.
Past Sales, which displays past sales information for each item number and description. Listed information consists of invoice number and date, quantity sold and the corresponding unit of measure, price and the pricing unit of measure.
Customer Pricing, which displays customer pricing information on items. Listed information consists of item number, item description, quantity break information, the customer’s default price, pricing unit of measure and item type. You can highlight an item line to and select Line Detail to access level pricing, contracts, and past sales information for the customer/item combination.
Customer Notes, which displays customer note information.
Customer Pricing, which displays customer pricing information on items. Listed information consists of item number, item description, the customer’s default price, pricing unit of measure and item type.
General, which displays general customer information: name, address, customer’s price class, customer’s price level, commission %, off-invoice discount, ship via, UPS zone, contact information, and Sales Order processing options for such as payments, ledgercards, past sales and invoices, back orders, required POs for sales orders, and credit information. This information display here is entered in Customer F/M (ARF910).
User-Defined, which displays data that appears on the User-Defined view Customer F/M (ARF910).
Doc Routing, which displays the document routing information, Listed information includes the account, document type and description, routes, fax number and email address.