Customer Price List (SOR780)

Using Reports

The Customer Price List program allows you to print a price list for one customer at a time.

You have the option to:

Report information includes the following: the customer name, item number, item description, price, pricing unit of measure and basis (if selected). (If Q appears beside the price, it indicates that if pricing is set up by quantity breaks, the price is the best quantity break price.)

FACTS Report Formatter and Multiple Output Options

This report has access to the FACTS Report Formatter and Multiple Output option. The Multiple Outputoption allows you to print to more than one output for each instance of a report. For example, a report can print to Excel, the viewer, and to a printer all in one print run. To access the multiple output feature simply choose the Multiple option from the Print Options screen. The FACTS Report Formatter allows you to expand your reporting capabilities beyond defining a printer (in Printer F/M). To access the FACTS Report Formatter, select Custom Report Layout-->Customize Report from the menu bar.


Field Descriptions

Use the following fields to print a customer price list:

1. Order

Enter whether to print in I-item, Alpha, Vendor, or item Class order. The program defaults to I.

2. Beginning Order Choice

Enter the beginning order choice to print.  

3. Ending Order Choice

Enter the ending order choice to print.  

4. Item type

Enter the type of item to print: Stocked items, Nonstocked items, or Uninventoried items. Press F1 to default to SNU. Press F2 to view options.

5. Customer

Enter the customer number for which to print prices. The entry must be a valid customer number.  

6. Warehouse

Enter the warehouse code for which to print the report. CR defaults to the warehouse assigned to the terminal. 

7. Basis

Indicate whether to print the basis for the price on the report (type of price, e.g., contract, quantity break, etc.). The program defaults to unselected.

8. Contracts Only

Indicate whether to print contract prices only. The program defaults to unselected.

9. Unit of Measure (UM) Scope

Enter whether to print Default UM costs/prices, Non-default UM costs/prices or All price UMs. The program defaults to A.

See Also
Using Reports

Using print options

Using report templates

Viewing reports on screen (using the viewer)

Using reports and prints as audit trails