Daily Shipping Report (SOR730)

Using Reports

The Daily Shipping Report program allows you to print a report of work orders and backorders that have requested ship dates between the dates selected.

This report should be run daily after the Daily Sales Register has been run. It is run prior to confirming orders for a new day to inform the user what should be shipped for the next day. Orders which contain no line-items that are available for shipment do not print.

Important Note: In the Daily Shipping Report, even if a sales order line is tied to an open PO or transfer, if there is a quantity committed and the line is not ship complete, the sales order line prints on the report. The line is not excluded from the Daily Shipping Report if a PO or transfer is still open.


You have the option to:

Report information includes the following: document number, document type, initiating and shipping warehouse, requested date, customer name and number, routing (if the user utilizes routing), whether the order is on hold, item and selected description, the document quantities (ordered, committed, and backordered) and the selling unit of measure, the inventory quantities (on hand, on order, committed, backordered) and the inventory unit of measure and purchase order or warehouse transfer information. The total number of documents listed is also included.

Field Descriptions

Use the following fields to print the Daily Shipping Report:

1. Beginning Order Number

Enter the beginning document number to print.  

2. Ending Order Number

Enter the ending document number to print.

3. Ship Warehouse

Enter the shipping warehouse for which the report is to print. Entering a valid warehouse code displays the warehouse description. The program defaults to the warehouse assigned to the terminal.  

4. Beginning Date

Enter the beginning request date to print.  

5. Ending Date

Enter the ending request date to print.  

6. Item Description

Enter whether to print description 1 on the report, description 2 on the report, Both descriptions, or N-no description as set in the Item F/M. The program defaults to N.

7. Route

If routing is not used, this field is skipped. Enter up to 18 three-character route codes side by side for which documents are to print. Only valid route codes are accepted. Question marks are used as wild cards, i.e., entry of the first two route characters and a question mark displays all routes beginning with those two characters.  

8. Status

Enter whether to print lines: Released by the shipping warehouse, X-rejected by the shipping warehouse or on Hold by the shipping warehouse. The program defaults to RXH.

See Also
Using Reports

Using print options

Using report templates

Viewing reports on screen (using the viewer)

Using reports and prints as audit trails