Order Booking Report (SOR735)

Using Reports

Use the Order Booking Report to review booked orders and print them for tracking purposes.

You must set the Order Booking flag on the Use tab of SO Static Control F/M to indicate how many months to store order booking information.

To ensure additional accuracy, the Order Booking Report is based on the system date (not the FACTS date). The End-Of-Period Update (SOU890) program also uses the system date for Order Booking processing.

Order Booking Process Description

The system books orders in the following ways:

The system considers an order as edited if the initiating warehouse, document total, total cost, or primary/secondary/inside salesperson contains a net change. If you change an order and then change the order again in manner that does results not result in a net change of information, the system does not consider the edit for order booking tracking. For example if modify the document total, total cost, or primary/secondary/inside salesperson and then change the information back, the system does not record the change..

However, if an order is changed then deleted in the same session, the system tracks only the deletion.

The program provides many report criteria options to allow for tailoring the report. You can print booked orders, orders that have been entered through various methods in the SO module (excluding direct invoices, credit memos, and counter sales) and edited orders, orders that have been changed and/or deleted.

The information and report selection available pertaining to Salesperson is determined by the Inside/2nd Slsp flag set in SO Static Control F/M. Information prints for the inside salesperson only if the Inside/2nd Slsp flag in SO Static Control F/M is set to "I" or "B". Information on second salesperson prints on the report if the Inside/2nd Slsp flag is set to "2" or "B". In addition, the report selection based on a salesperson only applies to the current salesperson at the time the report is printed.


Use the following fields to print the Order Booking Report:

1. Order

Enter the order to use to print the report. You can select from order date, edit date, primary, or inside slsp order. Press enter to default to O-order date. Note: If you select primary or inside salesperson the system uses the date as the secondary sort order. Also note that dates and times are the system date when the order was created/edited.

2. Beginning range

Enter the beginning range value (date or salesperson depending on your selection for prompt # 1).

3. Ending range

Enter the ending range value (date or salesperson depending on your selection for prompt # 1).

4. Primary/Inside Slsp

If you selected the Order date or Edit date as the primary sort order, the system enables the Primary/Inside Slsp prompt.

Indicate the type of salesperson range to set—you can select from primary salesperson or inside salesperson. Note that only the current salesperson on each order will be evaluated.

Note: These prompts will only be enabled if the primary sort order is Order date or Edit date

5. Beginning

Enter the beginning salesperson for the report.

6. Ending

Select the ending salesperson for the report.

7. Order/Edit Date

Enter E (edit date) or O (Order date) to indicate the type of date to base the report on. If date range is edit date, the report format will always be in detail.

Note: These prompts will only be enabled if the primary sort order is Primary or Inside Slsp

8. Beginning

Select the beginning date to use for the report.

9. Ending

Select the ending date to use for the report.

10. Type

Indicate the type of orders to include in the report. You can select from:
B-Both, to print both changed and deleted documents
C-Changed documents only
D-Deleted documents only

Note: This prompt is enabled if the date range in prompts 1 or 4 is by Edit date

11 Include Deleted

Indicate whether you want to include deleted order s on the report. Press Enter (CR) to include deleted orders as the default.

Note: This prompt will only be enabled if the date range in prompts 1 or 4 are by Order date.

12. Warehouse

Enter initiating warehouse to use for the report.  

13. Customer

Enter customer to use for the report.

14. User Code

Enter user code to print orders for on the report

15. Scope

Enter S-summary or D-detail to indicate whether to print the report in summary or detail format. Press Enter (CR) to accept S-summary, the default.

Note: This prompt will be disabled if either range (primary or secondary) is by edit date.

16. Totals Only

Indicate whether you want to print daily/salesperson totals only. Press Enter (CR) to enter No, the default.

Note: This prompt will only be enabled if Scope is S and date range is not by edit date (E). If Primary date range is a date type, then prompt will say "daily", otherwise it will say "salesperson".

17. Cost Info

Indicate whether you want to include cost and gross margin information. Press Enter (CR) to enter No, the default.

Note: This prompt will only be enabled if the current user has the cost security code.

18. New Page

Indicate whether you want to start a new page for each new salesperson/territory code on the report. Press Enter (CR) to enter No, the default.

Note: This prompt will only be enabled if the primary sort is by salesperson

See Also
Using Reports

Using print options

Using report templates

Viewing reports on screen (using the viewer)

Using reports and prints as audit trails