Service Fill Report (SOR860)

Using Reports

Use the Service Level Report to measure your company’s level of service by evaluating what percentage of line items are completely filled on the first shipment to a customer or transfer to another warehouse. Backorders are not considered by this report.

The report can be run for one or all warehouses with a range of ship dates. It can be printed as warehouse totals only, in summary or with order and transfer ticket detail. The user can select to include orders, counter sales, transfers, or a combination orders and counter sales.

You also can select to print the documents by customer, customer class, salesperson or ship date and include a beginning and ending range. For warehouse transfers, since customer, customer class, and salesperson do not apply, transfer tickets print in ticket number order unless you select to print in ship date order.

Processing Notes:

Field Descriptions

Use the following fields to print a service fill report:

1. Order

Enter the print order. You can select from customer, customer class, salesperson or ship date order (C/K/S/D). If you select ship date as the print order, the system disables the Beginning and Ending prompts since Beginning Ship Date and Ending Ship Date are already included on the screen.

2. Beginning

Enter the beginning order to print. If ship date is selected for order, this field is disabled.

3. Ending

Enter the ending order to print. If ship date is selected for order, this field is disabled.

4. Warehouse

Enter warehouse to print.

5. Beginning Ship Date

Enter the beginning ship date to print. If customer, customer class, or salesperson is selected for order, this field is disabled.

6. Ending Ship Date

Enter the ending ship date to print. If customer, customer class, or salesperson is selected for order, this field is disabled.

7. Document Type

Include the types of documents to include in the report. You can select from orders, counter sales and/or transfers (O/S/T), If SO Static Control flag "Use Invoice History" is No, the field will be set to "T" for transfers only and this prompt is disabled.

8. Scope

Indicate whether to print warehouse totals, summary information or detail information.

See Also
Using Reports

Using print options

Using report templates

Viewing reports on screen (using the viewer)

Using reports and prints as audit trails