The Header Detail window can be accessed once you complete the document header. Any information entered on the main Quote Entry screen carries over to the detail window. The Quote Header Detail window is used to view and/or modify warehouse, shipping information, quote and expiration dates, and salesperson, freight, terms and ship via codes.
Choose the Header button or select Options-->Header Detail from the menu.
This window contains all the possible fields for the Quote Entry header. Use SO Entry Options F/M (SOF915) to determine which fields should appear during header entry.
1. Customer
The customer number for this quote. The customer’s address is also displayed.
2. Ship-To Number
This field is initially skipped and the customer's default ship-to number in the Customer File is automatically displayed. Press F4 to back up and enter the ship-to number for the selected customer. Press F2 to a search. Press F3 to enter a temporary address that is not to be kept on file permanently.
3. Warehouse/Initiating Warehouse
If using multiple warehouses on an order, this field displays as Init Warehouse. This is the warehouse code from which the items are to be depleted. The entry must be a valid warehouse. Press Enter (CR) to default to the warehouse assigned to this terminal. Press F2 to a search. Press F3 to use a default entry.
At this point, you can (via the View menu) display Aging information, such as the customer's credit limit and outstanding balance for the last number of periods (set in the Accounts Receivable Aging Control Record). You can also access customer notes.
You cannot access the Customer Notes feature (View-->Customer Notes) while you are working in the line-item portion of the screen. When you finish with line items, place the cursor in the header portion of the screen and then select View-->Customer Notes.
4. Reference Number
If the Po Required flag in the Customer File for the selected customer is set to Y, you must enter something in this field. The entry can be a purchase order number created on the customer’s system or it can be the name of the person requesting the quote (up to 15 characters long).
5. Quote Date
The date the quote is given. Press Enter (CR) to default to the system date.
6. Expiration Date
The date this quote expires. Press Enter (CR) to default to the value already displayed. Press F1 or
to default to NONE.
7. Quoted To
The person to whom the quote was given (up to 25 characters). Press F3 to default to the person defined the in the Contact 1 field in the AR Customer F/M.
8. Quoted By
The person who gave the quote (up to 3 characters). Press F3 to defaults to the user code of the person who is entering the quote.
9. Purchase Order
The purchase order number, if applicable (up to 12 characters). Press Enter (CR) to default to blanks. Press F2 to perform an item price search.
10. Ship Complete
Enter the default ship complete status for the initiating warehouse, or press F4-Backup to return to the preceding field. You can select from the following options:
N Allow Partial--Indicates you want to allow the shipped quantity to be less than the ordered quantity for the initiating warehouses for this order.
Y Ship Complete--Indicates you want to allow the quantity ordered must be the same as the quantity shipped for the initiating warehouses, all lines must ship complete for the specified customer.
B Balance Complete—Indicates you want to allow all lines to ship partial in the first shipment for the initiating warehouse, but the backordered quantities must be shipped complete. Once the warehouse is processed through the DSR, the line is changed to ship complete.
11. Order Priority
Enter the default order priority, or press F4-Backup to return to the preceding field. You can select from the following options:
N Normal—Indicates that orders for this customer have no special priority.
R Rush—Indicates that you want to advise the warehouse, via the pick ticket, that this customers orders are rush orders.
H Service Hold—Indicates that you want orders for this customer not to be shipped due to a non-credit-related reason.
Refer to the Ship Complete Feature Overview topic for details.
12. Date Accepted/
The date the quote was accepted.
The status of the quote document displays beside the Date Accept Field. Available statuses are
1 – Accepted–This status is set automatically when a complete quote is converted to an order.
2 – Partially Converted–This status is set automatically when any partial quote is converted to an order.
3 – Declined This status is set manually by entering a declined date in the header of the quote. You can select the calendar or manually enter a date. When you enter a declined date the system prompts you for the SO lost sales reason code.
4 – Expired--This status is set manually by entering a expiration date in the header of the quote. You can select the calendar or manually enter a date.
5 – Open – This status is set manually or automatically based on the Quote Entry settings on the Header 2 screed in SO Entry Options F/M (SOF915).
13. Date Declined
The date the quote was declined.
14. Reason Declined
Enter the standard Facts lost sale reason code and set up in sales order file maintenances. When you enter a declined date the system prompts you for the SO lost sales reason code.
Select the Save button to save any changes or additions. Select the Codes tab to access additional header fields.
1. Salesperson/Territory
The salesperson/territory code for this customer. The entry must be a valid salesperson/territory. Press Enter (CR) to default to the value already displayed (initially the salesperson/territory code assigned to the ship-to number). Press F2 to a search. Press F3 to allow a split commission entry if available or a default entry.
When the salesperson code changes, the system recalculates the commission percentage for all lines that are not flagged as commission user override.
2. Inside Sales Person
The inside sales person (if any) for this quote. Press F2 to a search.
3 2nd Salesperson
The secondary salesperson (if any) for this quote. Press F2 to a search.
4. % Split
The commission percentage split between sales persons.
The payment terms code. The entry must be a valid terms code. Entering a valid terms code displays a partial description. Press Enter (CR) to default to the value already displayed (initially the terms code assigned the customer). Press F2 to a search.
6 Department
The GL department number. The entry must be a valid department. Entering a valid department number displays a partial description. Press Enter (CR) to default to the displayed value (initially the department assigned to the terminal). Press F2 to a search.
7. Freight Code
The freight code is P-prepaid, C-collect, B-bill later or A prepay/add. Press Enter (CR) to default to P.
8. Ship Via
The ship via or carrier (up to 15 characters) for the initiating warehouse. This code is maintained in the Ship Via F/M. Press Enter (CR) to default to the value already displayed (initially the ship via assigned to the ship-to number). If using multiple warehouses on an order, the value at this field may change. Press F2 to a search.If a rate shop is highlighted in the search, press F1 to view the carriers that comprise the rate shop.
9. Route
This field only displays if the Use Routes flag in the SO Static Control Record is set to Y. Enter the route. The entry must be a valid route. Entering a valid route displays a partial description. Press Enter (CR) to default to the value already displayed (initially the route assigned to the ship-to number). Press F2 to a search.
Select the Save button to save any changes or additions. Select the Main tab to access additional header fields.
Quote Entry Header Information