Use the Blanket SO Entry program to create and edit sales orders for items that the customer needs shipped on a regular or guaranteed basis.
A blanket order entry consists of three sections: the header, where you enter the customer number, expiration date, etc.; the line-item entry, where you enter each item, price, quantity, and so on; the requested release dates entry; and the ending routine, also known as the footer, in which and the customer’s credit limit can be checked.
During entry of a BSO, you can change, add, insert, or delete line items at any time, or delete entire unreleased or incomplete BSO documents. Temporary items and catalog items are among the additional features available in the Blanket SO Entry Program.
During processing, the system automatically displays urgent notes for customers based on your settings on the Notes tab of SO Entry Options F/M. Refer to the Viewing/Entering Notes from Sales Order Programs topic for additional details.
When the Blanket Sales Order Entry program automatically creates purchase order such as for a direct ship sales order, FACTS determines if Vendor and Item notes should import into the PO, based on the export options setup on the note, and the Notes pop up functionality is disabled. If a note is set to export or required, then FACTS automatically imports the note onto the PO.
1. In the Doc/Cust field, enter the blanket sales order # to assign to this document or the customer for the blanket sales order.
To recall an existing document, enter the document number, up to 6 digits. To create a new document, press Enter (CR) to have the system assign the next available number. The document number appears in the title bar along with the customer’s name. You can also assign a document number manually if you prefer. You can select the File-->New Document to access the Add New Document dialog box, where you can manually enter the new sales order number.
Credit Check Note: The system performs a customer credit check for each customer during Sales Order entry programs based on the Credit Limit value and the number of Credit Check Days entered on the Accounting tab of Customer F/M. For additional credit check processing details, such as disputed invoice processing, adding customers on-the-fly, or displaying customer aging , refer to the Customer Credit Check topic.
Search Tips:
Press F2 to perform a search for customers. Refer to the Customer Search topic for details about searching for customers. To enter a new customer for the sales order, you can access the Quick Customer Add dialog box, which is used to add customers on-the-fly. After you finish adding information in the Quick Customer Add dialog box, the system asks if you would like to add a FaxLink record? Select Yes to access the Quick Fax Record Entry dialog box and add faxing information.
When a new customer is added by using the F1-Add feature in the order entry programs, the customer credit check field value is loaded from the default in the AR Static Control record. You cannot enter credit check information in this screen. If you need to modify the customer credit information, access AR Customer F/M.
Press F3 to perform a document search.
2. Ship-To
Modify the ship-to code (this code displays from the customer’s default information) where the order should be shipped. The system displays the full ship-to address. If the ship-to code is missing in the Customer F/M, the system stops at the Ship-to field and requires you to enter the ship-to code before you can continue with the order. Temporary Ship-To’s are not allowed on BSO documents. Press F2 to search.
3. Initiating Warehouse
The warehouse that is initiating the order. The system defaults initiating warehouse from Terminal F/M for the user. If you are using multiple warehouses on an order, you must have the authority to initiate from this warehouse. This field is display only.
4. Entered
The current system date when the blanket document was initially created. This field cannot be edited.
5. Expires
The date the order expires. After the expiration date has passed, releases will not be processed by the BSO Release Register. Press Enter (CR), F1-None to default to NONE.
6. Completion
The date all releases on the order have been completed. Press Enter (CR), F1-None to default to NONE. When all line-items are released and shipped this field is updated by the Daily Sales Register. Enter a date to manually cancel an order. All documents which contain a completion date are considered complete and will not be processed any further.
7. Blanket Order On Hold
Select to indicate you want to place the document on Hold status. The system does not process releases for any document placed on hold.
You cannot access the Customer Notes feature (View-->Customer Notes) while you are working in the line-item portion of the screen. When you finish with line items, place the cursor in the header portion of the screen and then select View-->Customer Notes.
8. Release Basis
The basis is used to determine when a sales order will be created for specific release requests per BSO document, by the item which has the Longest lead time, a Fixed number of days, or whichever represents the Greater of, longest lead time and fixed number of days. The system defaults to SO Static control value for Release Basis.
9. Fixed Days
The predetermined number of days to be used in the release calculation. Sales Orders will be created this number of days prior to the request date. For example, to meet customer service standards, you always commit goods two weeks prior to the request date. Fourteen days have been allocated to special order or transfer goods into the warehouse. Fixed days would be set to 14 days. This field field is valid only if the Release Basis is Fixed Days or the Greater of Longest Lead Time and Fixed Number of Days.
10. Add Days
Allows adding pad to the longest lead-time for an additional margin of safety, or to cover the order processing and shipping time. Sales orders will be processed this number of days plus the lead-time, prior to the request date. For example, if the lead time for this item is 3 days and 2 is entered in the add days field, the sales order will be processed 5 days prior to the requested release date. This field is valid if the Release Basis is Fixed Days or the Greater of Longest Lead Time and Fixed Number of Days.
Line-Item Entry
Once the required header information is complete, you can enter line items on the Blanket Sales Order using the browser in the lower portion of the screen.
The line-item portion of the program allows entry of up to 999 line item and message lines to complete the order.
Line numbers are assigned automatically beginning with 001 and incremented by one for each additional line-item up to 999. In the rare case where 999 line items have been entered on a single order, the program proceeds to the selection prompt and refuses further entries.
11. Item
Enter the item number (up to 20 characters). After entering a valid item the program displays item description 1 and 2, the item class, package size, item weight and its unit of measure, available quantity, on hand quantity, on order quantity and bin location.
You have several options for this entry:
M Enter a memo
F2 Allows a search
F3 Ends line item entries
Enter the item number. After you enter an item, the program displays the item class, package size, item weight and its unit of measure, available quantity, on hand quantity, on-order quantity, and bin location.
If you enter an inactive item with zero available quantity, the system no longer allows you to backorder the item. The system prompts you to post the item to lost sales.
If you enter a temporary item or a catalog item, the system displays additional field fields.
Inputs For Temporary and Catalog Item Entry on the Required Lines Fields (SOE710) Dialog
Fields #12 - #19 only appear if you enter a temporary item or a catalog item.
12. Temporary item?
In FACTS, a temporary item is an item that you may sell but you don’t keep in the master item file because you may not keep it in inventory. If you enter an item number that is not on record in the system, the program asks if you want to create a temporary item. Press Enter (CR) to enter No and back up to the item number field. Enter YES to create a temporary item. Press F1 to perform a Quick Item Add. This program enables you to quickly enter the item into the system. The item record can be accessed later in Item F/M.
13. Use Catalog Item?
This prompt only appears if a catalog item number was entered at item number field (it does not appear if catalog items were searched at the item number field). Enter Y or N to indicate whether to pull default information for the catalog item number from the Item Catalog File. If you enter Y, the system displays default information from the Item Catalog File for the catalog item. If you enter N, the system uses the standard defaults. Press Enter (CR) to default to Y. You can select the Quick Add button to quickly enter an item in the Quick Item Add program (ICF020).
14. Description
This field is initially skipped except if the item is a temporary item, catalog item or a memo. Enter the item description or message (up to 30 characters). For a temporary item, press Enter (CR) to default to TEMPORARY. For a catalog item, press Enter (CR) to default to the item description 1 on file for that item.
Enter the item description 2. Press Enter (CR) to default to item description 2 on file or blank if the item is temporary.
15. Vendor
Enter the vendor for the temporary or catalog item. If the quote type is a direct shipment, the field is skipped and the vendor is set to the direct shipment vendor that was entered at field #2. If the quote type is warehouse or both warehouse and direct, enter the valid vendor from whom this item was purchased. Entering a vendor displays the vendor name. Press Enter (CR) to default to the vendor of the last item entered (if any) or the primary vendor for catalog items. Press F2 to search.
16. Class
For the temporary or catalog item, enter a valid item class. For a catalog item, press Enter (CR) to default to the item class on file for the item. Press F2 to search.
17. UM
For a temporary or catalog item, enter a valid unit of measure (UM). For a temporary item, press Enter (CR) to default to EA. For a catalog item, press Enter (CR) to default to the pricing UM on file for the item. For a standard part number, the system uses the unit of measure (UM) from the Standard Part Number record as the default selling UM instead of the default selling UM in the Item F/M record. If you select not to use the standard part number UM or the standard part number UM is blank or not a valid selling UM for the item, then the system uses the standard default UM for the item.
18. Weight
For the temporary or catalog item, enter the per unit weight of the temporary item (0-9999.999). For a temporary item, press Enter (CR) to default to 0. For a catalog item, press Enter (CR) to default to the weight on file for the item.
19. Cost
This field is available if the Change by Ln Cost flag in the SO Static Control Record is set to Y or B. If the Change by Ln Cost flag is set to B, you can press F4 to back up to this field. This field is also available if the item is temporary. Enter the cost per displayed costing unit of measu
20. Taxable
Indicate whether this temporary item is taxable. This value defaults from the Taxable checkbox on the Entries tab of SO Control F/M (SOF980).
For Regular Item Entry.
The following options are available from the item number prompt.
Memo - Select M to enter a memo line. If the order is a multiple warehouse or combined warehouse/direct order, a memo line will have special attributes.
Search - Enter F2 to perform an item search.
End entries - Press F3 to end line-item entries and proceed to the ending routine.
Memo Line-Item
Memo lines are a special feature of sales orders. The first line (up to 30 characters) is displayed in the BSO detail screen as a line-item memo. Subsequent line entries are acknowledged on the screen by a plus sign (+). Memo lines:
For example, the customer places a blanket order, requesting two particular items arrive at the same time. Simply add a memo after each of these items, stating that they should be shipped together. The memo lines can print on the acknowledgment so that the customer is reminded you are aware of the special request; the memo lines can be exported to the Sales Order so that your order handlers are aware of the request; the memo lines can also print on the resulting Invoice to verify that the items arrived at the customer site as requested.
21. Memo
Enter the memo in the Memo field.
The following checkboxes become available to change the default memo print settings.
Use this option to accept the system defaults on file for the remaining fields. If the program stops at an entry field, this means that the system could not find a valid default for the required field and a valid value must be entered before continuing. For example, you are entering blanket order detail and you choose F3 at the Add Days field. The system enters all default information until it reaches the Sugg PO field. At this point, you must decide whether or not to create suggested PO when insufficient available to commit? (Y/N).
22. Ship Direct
Use this option to ship the item directly from the vendor. If the item is a temporary item, then enter the vendor number from whom you wish to order this item. The warehouse field changes to ‘ds’ denoting the item will be shipped direct from a vendor instead of a warehouse location, and the vendor field displays the chosen vendor number. Direct ship will be the default entry in the warehouse prompt for the line item entered. To change from direct ship, press F3-Whse Ship and enter the new warehouse. .
3. Wh
The system displays the default warehouse for the item. You can modify this value or search for a different warehouse.
Temporary and catalog Item entry
Fields #21 - #27 are only displayed if the item is a temporary item or a catalog item.
21. Temporary item?
If the item is a valid item, this field is skipped and the program proceeds to the Order Quantity field. If this item is a catalog item, this field is skipped and the program proceeds to the next field. This prompt displays if the entered item number is not in the Item File. Enter N or YES to indicate whether this is a temporary item. If N is entered, the program returns to the Item Number field for another item number entry. Press Enter (CR) to default to N.
22. Use catalog item?
This prompt only appears if a catalog item number was entered in the Item Number field (it does not appear if catalog items were searched at Item Number). Enter Y or N to indicate whether to pull default information for the catalog item number from the Item Catalog File. If Y is entered here, vendor, weight and description are defaulted with information from the Item Catalog File for the catalog item. If N is entered here, the program uses the standard defaults. Press Enter (CR) to default to Y.
23. Vendor
This system skips this prompt unless you have entered a temporary or catalog item. If the order is a warehouse shipment, enter the valid vendor from whom this item was purchased or is being shipped. Entering a valid vendor displays the vendor name. CR defaults to the primary vendor for catalog items. Press F2 to search.
24. Item Class
This system skips this prompt unless you have entered a temporary or catalog item. Enter a valid item class for the item. Entering a valid item class displays its description. For catalog items, press Enter (CR) to default to the item class on file for the item. Press F2 to search.
25. Unit of Measure
This system skips this prompt unless you have entered a temporary or catalog item. Enter the unit of measure (UM) for the item (up to 2 characters). This value has to be a valid unit of measure for this item. For temporary items, press Enter (CR) to default to EA. For catalog items, press Enter (CR) to default to the pricing UM on file for the item.
26. Weight
This system skips this prompt unless you have entered a temporary or catalog item. Enter the per unit weight of the item (0-9999.999). For temporary items, press Enter (CR) to default to 0. For catalog items, press Enter (CR) to default to the weight on file for the item.
27. Description
The item description, up to 30 characters, defaults to the description from Item F/M, or Catalog F/M. The description defaults to Temporary if the item is not found on file.
Fields for Regular Items.
28. Total Quantity
The total quantity to release over the life span of this BSO, up to 11 digits. You can press f2 to change the unit of measure on the ordered quantity. This can be used if, for example, the default UM may be each, but the customer wants to order a box.
29. Cost + %
The system displays the default price from file, or accepts a manually entered price. Enter a cost plus percentage . Cost plus pricing allows price to be set as a percentage over cost. Price will then be determined from the cost at the time of the release register. An asterisk (*) displayed to the right of the extended amount denotes a line-item price that contains a cost plus percentage. Press F2-Change UM to change the pricing unit of measure.
30. Price
The system will display the default price from file, or accept a manually entered price. Price will then be determined from the cost at the time of the release register. An asterisk (*) displayed to the right of the extended amount denotes a line-item price that contains a cost plus percentage.Press F2-Change UM to change the pricing unit of measure. Press F3-Price Search to activate the price search feature.
9. Extension
The line-item extension is calculated (price less any discounts multiplied by the quantity ordered multiplied by the conversion factor) and displayed. If the extension is greater than $999,999.99 the message EXTENSION TOO LARGE is displayed and the field is not accepted. If the user has a line-item with sales up to one million dollars, enter the item on more than one line.At this point, headings for the line-item fields used are displayed, and if the Display g.M.% flag in the Sales Orders Static Control Record is set to Q or A, the gross margin percentage is also displayed. If the calculated gross margin percentage is below the minimum or above the maximum, a message is displayed.
10. The system displays a message asking: Enter release requests now for this item? Select yes to access the Blanket Sales Order Entry Release Requests (SOE711) to release requests for an item on the blanket sales order.
Select Stop to stop entering line items.
You have the following options:
Select the Archived BSO button to access to the Unform Archive window to review archived blanket sales order documents.
Select the Doc Distrib button to access to the Change Document Distribution window.
Select the Release Req button to access to the Blanket Sales Order Entry Release Requests (SOE711) to release blanket sales order requests for an individual line item or all line items on a document.
Select the Header button to access the Header Detail for Documents screen, which is used to view and/or modify warehouse, shipping information, request and order dates, and salesperson, freight, terms and ship via codes.
Highlight a line item and select the Line Detail button to access the Line Detail for Documents screen, which is used to view and/or modify item descriptions, quantity and shipping information, costing, and PO information.
You can:
access Note Entry (SME710) for the customer, item, quote header or line record specified in the program.
Edit - to make changes for the highlighted line item.
Add a line.
Delete the highlighted line.
Insert a line item above the highlighted item in the browser.
Save your changes.
Press Done to access the footer screen for Blanket Sales Orders.
How to enter or modify blanket order header information
How to enter line items on blanket sales orders