Confirming serial and lot items

Serial/lot entry is only available if the OE/Serial Lot Entry control is set to M-Assign in either Entry or Confirmation or N-Assign in Confirmation in SO Static Control F/M.

If you choose Y, B or C in the Assume Shipment window on an order with serialized or lot items, the Serial/Lot Entry window automatically appears.

Use this window to assign serial numbers or lot numbers for items you are confirming.

Serial/Lot Costing Options

You now have the ability to cost serial and lot items by the system cost (costing method for the module). The feature provides for GAAP compliance. For the FACTS SO, IC and MC modules, you can decide if the cost for serial and lot items will be averaged actual (as it has always operated in the past) or system cost (costing method for the module). The default setting for each Static Control F/M is A-Averaged Actual (same behavior as they have before the monthly is applied). Users who want to take advantage of this change will need to change the option to S-System Cost for each of the applicable modules. The net result of selecting S-System Cost is that serial/lot items will be costed like non-serial/lot items.

Over-Commitment of Serial/Lot Items

The over-commitment of serial/lot items is not allowed in Order Entry and Confirmation Entry. If the OE Serial/Lot# Entry flag in SO Static Control is set to "M" or "N" then you can under commit serial/lot items.

The system recalculates quantities if:

The system displays the message "Improper ser/lot assignment. Quantities changed for line XXX" then recalculates as follows:

In the Daily Sales Register, if the Serial/Lot shipped amount doesn't match the order's shipped amount the system now displays a message and return to the menu and no longer displays an error 40. The system also displays a message if the Serial/Lot committed amount is greater than the order's committed amount and returns to the menu.

When the system displays the Serial/Lot Entry (SOC145) window, the item number automatically displays in the Item field and the document number displays in the Document field.

You can update the following:

1. Ship Only

Indicate whether you want to allow the entry of shipped amounts only in the lower portion of the screen.

2. Auto Accept Quantities

Indicate whether you want to automatically accept maximum amounts for quantities.

3. Show

Select the serial/lot items you want to display in the browser. You can select from L-All, A-Available, or S-Assigned.

In the browser in the lower portion of the screen, the system displays the serial or lot numbers, the available, shipped and committed quantities and the date received. Select the serial or lot you want to use and press Enter (CR).

You can use the List From field to narrow the serial/lot items displayed in the browser.  


You can select Ship Max to use the highlighted line to sip the maximum quantity available.

4. Shipped/Committed

Enter the quantity to ship or commit. The amount you need to distribute —referred to as the undistributed shipped amount — appears at the lower portion of the screen. This is the amount ordered, minus any backordered quantity.  

Save your selection.


You can select Clear Qtys to clear the Shipped quantity.

You can select Return to List after Entry to return to the serial/lot browser and make further selections.

Press Done when you have completed your selections and return to the main Order Confirmation screen.