Recurring Document Listing (SOR320)

Using Reports

Use the Recurring Document Listing program enables you to obtain a listing of all recurring documents on file. An optional update allows removal of expired documents.

You have the option to:

If only expired documents are selected, an optional update which follows the following printing of the listing, allows the removal of all expired documents just printed.

Report information includes the following: customer number, name, sequence number, ship-to number, warehouse to be shipped from, salesperson/territory, terms code, tax code, whether to print the document as a work order and/or an invoice, day of month to post, months to post, total document amount, total number of documents and dollars posted, memo and status.

Input Descriptions

Use the following inputs to print a recurring document listing:

1. Beginning Customer

Enter the beginning customer to print.  

2. Ending Customer

Enter the ending customer to print.  

3. Post Date

Enter the ending post date to print. The date entered must be within 30 days and not overlap next periods posting days (overlapping could allow some documents to print twice). Press F1 to default to the system date.

4. Status

Select the document status to print: A-all documents, P-documents which post this period, C-documents which post and are to be completed this period (last post), E-expired documents (no more postings) or U-unexpired documents. The program defaults to all documents.

See Also
Using Reports

Using print options

Using report templates

Viewing reports on screen (using the viewer)

Using reports and prints as audit trails