Freight History Report (SOR410)

Using Reports

Use the Freight History Report program to print a history of the manifests that have been shipped.

The report shows the manifest as it appeared the day the carrier picked up the shipment. This is helpful in finding out when an order was shipped, what day it went out, etc.

Report information includes the following: manifest date; shipper’s address and number; invoice number; consignee and the consignee’s city, state, and zip code; UPS zone; package weight; freight charge; C.O.D. charge and amount; declared value; insurance charge; the total charge; whether the order uses the GroundTrac service; and whether the package is oversize or a call tag has been issued.

Field Descriptions

Use the following fields to print a Freight History Report:

1. Beginning Date

Enter the earliest date of shipment on a manifest to be included on the report. Manifests that were shipped before this date do not print.

2. Ending Date

Enter the last date of shipment on a manifest to be included. Manifests shipped after this date do not print.

3. Ship Via

Enter the ship via that manifest used. Ship Via codes are set up and maintained in the Ship Via F/M. NOTE: The program reads through the Freight Orders File and gets the ship via from the document. If any of the letters in the document ship via are in the same order as all the letters in the entered ship via, the manifest prints. For example, if you enter UPS1ST, the system prints all manifest packages with UPS1ST or UPSRED in the ship via. Also, if you enter UPS, the system prints all manifest packages with UPS in the ship via.  

4. Warehouse

Enter the valid warehouse code that shipped the manifests. Entering a valid warehouse code displays the warehouse description. The program defaults to the warehouse assigned to the terminal.

5. Department

Enter the GL department for which to print. Only manifests assigned to the GL department entered will print on the report. The entry must be a valid GL department.

6. Remove documents just printed?

When the report is complete, indicate whether to remove the documents from the sales orders freight history.

NOTE: UPS requires that these records be kept on file for one year.

See Also
Using Reports

Using print options

Using report templates

Viewing reports on screen (using the viewer)

Using reports and prints as audit trails