UPS Shipping Label Print (SOP450)

Using Reports

Use the UPS Shipping Label Print program to print UPS-style shipping labels for sales orders and freight orders.

Note: These labels are not approved by UPS.

The UPS Shipping Label Print Program is identical to the Shipping Label Print Program in the way each works. The difference between the two is the output: This program prints shipping labels that measure 2 15/16 x 5 3/4 inches. The Shipping Label Print Program prints a general mailing label 4 1/8 x 2 15/16 inches.

Print up to 99 labels for each document entered. Also print shipping labels for freight and sales orders by warehouse.

Field Descriptions

Use the following fields to print UPS-type shipping labels:

1. Indicate whether you want to print an alignment (test print).

2. Warehouse

Enter the valid warehouse code that shipped the freight orders or sold the sales orders. Entering a valid warehouse code displays the warehouse description. The program defaults to the warehouse assigned to the terminal. Press Enter (CR) to default to ALL.

3. Document Number

Enter the document number(s) for which to print labels. The entry must be a valid document number. If the document entered is deleted or voided, a message to this effect is displayed and the entry is not accepted. Press Enter (CR) to default to ALL, and prints one label for each package on every freight order for the selected warehouse.

4. Number Of Labels

Enter the number of labels to print for the order number or numbers selected. If the order number is a valid freight order number, the program defaults to the number of packages entered for the order in the Freight Entry Program.

If you selected all document numbers, this program skips this field.

See Also

Using Reports

Using print options

Using report templates

Viewing reports on screen (using the viewer)

Using reports and prints as audit trails