Use the following fields to print the Payment Selection List:
1. Order
The order in which you want the report to print: Vendor, Alpha or VendorClass.
2. Beginning order choice
The beginning order choice to print.
3. Ending order choice
The ending order choice to print.
4. Document group
If you entered document groups in the Vendor F/M vendor records, specify up to 10 two-character document groups side by side to print.
5. Vendor totals
Indicate whether totals by vendor will print. The default is not to print totals by vendor.
6. Branch
The branch number to print. Only documents assigned to the branch entered will print.
7. Include
Indicate whether or not to include payments that have already been printed on a previous batch of checks but have not yet been updated by the Check Register. The default is not included.
8. Print paper and electronic payments separately
Indicate whether to allow to print all vendors and invoices that are to be paid by paper check first then all vendors and invoices that will be paid electronically. Each will have it’s own subtotal and then a total for the report.
Viewing reports on screen (using the viewer)